6.5分。看下来并没有太多感觉的作品,Paul Newman当年的演技真不能恭维。纵观全片而言,“快手EDDIE”应该算是个对胜利极为执着的人,为了胜利,他几乎能放弃任何东西,但感觉Newman演得有些偏激。而他女友自杀的戏略有突兀,尽管就像片里说的,这不过就是时间早晚的问题罢了~
In a nutshell, The Hustler, and its sequel – The Color of Money – twenty-odd years later, are films about the relationships among a talented but immature young man, his love interest, and the seasoned veteran who exploits / trains the young man’s talent.
Of course, this is a serious over-generalization; still, it would be interesting to compare the two films, a quarter of a century apart, not the least because of Paul Newman, who stars in the same role in both films.
What to me was most impressive about The Hustler was the opening. The charismatic Mr. Newman – and boy does he appear so young! – captures the audience effortlessly, with that big and almost childish (but nonetheless potently charming) smile. If I were female I would probably have fallen for Mr. Newman at that instant – and by saying so I am probably already revealing too much of my fondness for this actor.
But of course, the film would not be a classic if it were simply a stage for Mr. Newman’s sex appeal. And the light humor of the film’s opening is deceptive, in that the rest of this 135 minute film is decidedly somber.
Mr. Newman, who plays “Fast” Eddie Felson, is a talented young pool hustler – that is, he makes money by playing and gambling at the pool table. When he losses an opportunity to beat Minnesota Fats, who is “the best player” in the country, he is determined to stick around until he has enough money to challenge Fats again. In the process, he hooks up with a mysterious young girl named Sarah (Piper Laurie, in an Oscar-nominated role), and seeks out a sly gambler / bookmaker (Bert, played by George C. Scott) to help him raise money.
Eddie’s relationship with Sarah is a fragile one – both do not talk about their respective histories, and at face value their relationship seems to be blank besides the physical pleasures. However underneath the silence is their obvious and straightforward affection for each other, and you get the sense that, despite their past pains, and the uncertainties ahead, this young couple is willing to risk their hearts for love.
The film is clever in setting up this fragile relationship first, and then insert Bert the semi-antagonist into the picture, thus changing the dynamics. Sarah appears to see through Bert, and vice versa; Eddie, on the other hand, is desperate enough to be willingly exploited. The film’s climax is presented when Eddie is forced to make a choice.
As someone else commented, the brilliance of The Hustler is how it directs the audience. For almost two whole hours, the audience eagerly awaits the rematch between Eddie and Fats, and all the while we have probably already developed various scenarios of how it would look like in our heads – but by the time it does happen, the film has already turned in another direction, and while the rematch is as we had expected, we have been taught a bigger lesson – that there are more things to life than winning and losing.
保罗纽曼六零年代“H”系列电影:Hustler (1961),Hud (1963),Harper (1966),Hombre (1967)……
在硬盘存放了足足两年,如今翻出来看实在是感到愧疚,怎会有如此优秀的电影,可又是那样的悲伤。我可能真的对这些在迷惑中渐渐走向毁灭的电影情有独钟(无因的反叛、阿飞正传),可是又难以忍受它过后所带来的余震,爱又恨,大概就是这样吧。彻底被 Paul Newman 的演技折服。
开头很利索,中间较磨叽,结尾没大战。George C. Scott就是爱抢啊。
看保罗纽曼耍帅、打台球 本来就很不错了 但真正让人意料的是电影对类型题材的突破和思考深度 只可惜这个导演太不行 节奏啦镜头啦台词啦 通通都没有亮点 前50分钟基本上只演了3幕戏 这样的掌控 实在太恐怖
反高潮的另类体育片,没有热血奋斗,更多的是自我挣扎和在破碎中重建的过程。桀骜狂妄不服输的赌徒台球手,从小身心都有缺失的酒鬼女孩,两个人在自毁倾向的道路上遇到彼此,拯救彼此,又永远错过彼此……Eddie对胜利的瘾让他成为金钱的奴隶,最后一场球赛的胜利没有获胜的兴奋,只有失去爱人的痛楚和怒火,还有挣脱摆布的决绝。Paul Newman迷人程度爆棚,但也缓解不了本片给人的心塞感,George C. Scott那幕恶魔低语简直绝了。
《江湖浪子》(The Hustler)译名真邵氏啊!我把它看成《金钱本色》前传!PN属于年轻英气逼人,老迈成熟有魅,美貌演技并存的那一类,长的娘,演来却无比爷们,痞气掺和着正气,和MB还不一样。片是好的,正常发挥的那一类,爱情是最大的武器总是美国电影逃不开的主题?!
If you ever say them I'll never let you take them back.
4星+paul newman那张脸啊。虽然是老简单额故事,但是被老式独白和黑白片一表达就显得牛B深奥啊,赞。