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主演:山本舞香,泷本美织,沟端淳平,佐藤大树,吉泽悠,樱井淳子,アキラ100 ,笠原秀幸,小山莉奈



姐妹2022 剧照 NO.1姐妹2022 剧照 NO.2姐妹2022 剧照 NO.3姐妹2022 剧照 NO.4


 1 ) 咕咕咕又超字数了

4点 1.女性真的非常具有同理心 能站在别人角度考虑问题 多为别人想想真的是一件很伟大的事。2.我以前觉得男女之间的性格存在差异 这可能会影响他们在不同的领域发光发热 但看完这部纪录片我觉得男女之间的性格确实存在差异 但女性在某些领域并没有取得更优秀的成绩是因为社会大大限制了她们的发展 如果她们拥有同样平等的机会 可能会利用自身独特的优势做出不一样的精彩来。3.我觉得女权所强调的独立是自我真正的独立 她们从来不依附于任何人 她们想去做什么想去完成什么都是靠自己的努力 从来不寄希望于任何人。能把自己所想付诸行动 而且从来不怀疑自己 有这种别人能做我也能做的魄力真的很厉害。4.她们身上有好多我值得学习的点 她们善于反思 而且能及时改正 行动力超强 她们勇敢机智 善良 体谅他人 聪明 永远不放弃 坚定自己的想法 不服输 非常非常值得我学习。最后 少说多做

 2 ) Girls help girls

终于看完The Jane了。有几个比较感慨的部分。一是Jane的诞生,在这个组织的女人要么自己经历过堕胎,要么目睹过他人的堕胎,一项女人应有的却被法律圈禁了的权力,与此同时,在那个革命四起的年代,人权、反战,女人也试图加入,企图在时代的号召中找寻到自己的位置,然而到头来却发现,自己无论在哪个领域、喊着怎样的口号,最终都只是在服务男人。是的,那时的女人确实只是行走的子宫,如若没有打字技能根本找不到像样的工作,而一旦怀孕了,立马将被剥夺工作的权力;二是前期长期为她们做堕胎手术的男人,当他得知这个组织对于堕胎的收费是“给你所能给的,因为那会帮到下一个比你还拥有的少的女人。”他很诧异,他说“It says in the Bible, a man is worthy of his labors”,我找不到合适的词语来形容我看到这句话的感受,因为上面的每个字都让我觉得是现实某一块的浓缩,以及那将女人排除在这个世界之外的目中无人的高傲让我想发笑,这句话再读一遍我甚至觉得很荒诞,可是他竟说得那样理所当然。三是,有两个女孩来堕胎,一个女孩子是作陪同的,她在房间外等待时看了放在桌子上的一本名为“our bodies, ourselves”,她说那可能是她人生第一次正儿八经的性教育。 最后,则是Jane本身的存在,她们提到说,来做堕胎的女孩或者女人们会不停向她们解释自己堕胎的理由,例如想要上学,例如已经有还在养不起了,诸如此类非常正当的理由,然而Janes告诉她们,这是你们的理由,而我并非是来judge you,我只是来帮助你做你想要做的事。影片最后提到,在1973年美国不再将堕胎列为非法后,她们就去过自己的生活了,她们成了艺术家、教育者、公务员、社区组织者、医疗工作者、作者以及母亲。是的,在成为母亲之前她们可以做任何她们想干的事,母亲不该是优先选项,也绝不该是唯一选项。

 3 ) 从《珍妮热线》到无名姐妹


 4 ) 无名姐妹:追寻被遗忘的声音



 5 ) goodbye,Jane





可是女性不会,他们说,they need help, they’re depressed.

You know how women fight.




good bye,Jane

 6 ) Q&A (221020 Ray Stark Family Center)


The production of this documentary is a race against the time, just as the movement was a race against the court. A simple voting shows that over 95% of the audience at USC Ray Stark Family Theatre has not heard about the Jane before, making the objectives of this documentary more crucial – to tell the story of women’s just, brave, illegal activist story that hasn’t been told. One of the audience asks the director how she got into contact with so many relevant parties, not only the Janes, but their husband, the “villain” detective, and Mike, one of the first male physicians who help the Jane but has a rather complex personality. The female attorney who helped the women change the law and release the Jane members, died before the directors started this project.

We were fortunate enough to meet Diane, one of the Janes, for the Q&A. Diane didn’t go public after the victory against anti-abortionist laws; she, like many others who fought together, returned to and continued with their own lives. It was a moving moment when she said “So long, Jane” in front of the audience. Diane also wanted this film to pass on their spirits to the younger generation (who comes to the screening and shares enthusiasm in women’s rights). She said that they were just ordinary women, who rose to the occasion and worked together and made big changes eventually. “We didn’t turn any woman away because we couldn't; we were them and they were us.” Many members of the Jane had legal or illegal abortions themselves, before they realized how crucial it was to have free, accessible, and safe abortion services available. Diane herself had to be testified as psychiatrically uncapable of having children before she gets an abortion from a hospital. When she first came to the Jane, she just wanted to help out before she realized the illegality of what they were doing. The Jane was a cohesive, women-help-women group. Thanks to the orientation process and spontaneous mentorships, Diane learned from Martha how to do counseling, how to assure the desperate women. She also shared us an anecdote: she had a job outside the Jane, but because she had to use her office phone to answer calls from women with abortion needs, she got fired; later, the woman who fired Diane had to seek help from the Jane as well. It wasn’t Diane who answered the phone, but still, no one ever gets rejected by the Jane except from dire medical reasons.

Diane’s response to professionalism differs from the current medical practice. The panel reminds us to be differential with history and be open to validating different systems of care. The women’s takeover of the operations was a bold move, but it was informed by the fact that they found that Mike was not a professional doctor. “If Mike could do it, we can do it as well,” the Janes believed. Jody was the most charismatic character, as many of her peers would say, and she was the first person to do abortion operations under Mike’s instruction. Unfortunately, she died about 15 years before, but thankfully her footages were shot by another filmmaker and were reused by Tia and Emma. No matter how the medical procedures were, there was a need for a system of coworkers to perform the abortion. Apart from the legal and medical considerations, the more serious problem is the lack of a culture of permission of abortion, the alienation between the women seeking abortion and their family. Nowadays, you put yourself at more risk writing about abortion than having an actual abortion, but recently in many states other than California women are losing their rights, and the states with most healthcare needs often have the least healthcare resources. With these in mind, the film wants to reflect in history, to resist repression and the internalization of stigma and pain, to practice micro activism, to stop the judging against women who needs abortion, and to challenge the gender norms.


讲述了Jane Collective在1968到1973年间帮助了芝加哥地区将近11000位女性进行安全但是不合法的堕胎,她们只是一群普通的女性,她们只是想帮助身边那些需要帮助的人。女性想要获得基本的权力,即使只是对自己身体的权利,每一步却依然走得这么艰难。当德州的反堕胎法生效,有人想要推翻Roe v. Wade的今天,你会发现历史又在重演,这个世界并没有对女性更好,这条道路曲折而漫长。纪录片由现在对Jane Collective部分成员的采访配合着历史影像,还有一些早年的采访,历史文档和她们被抓之后的记录,非常详尽地回顾了那段历史,我学到了很多,看她们平静地叙述着那段艰难的岁月,非常有力量。今年还有另一个故事片Call Jane也讲述了同样的故事,但我觉得纪录片更好看。

  • Cherry樱桃之远
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为看Call Jane提前补课,纪录片带来的临场感力量是巨大的,即便只是听亲历者的访谈依旧觉得这一路走下来多么不容易。而尤其放在世界大潮不断倒退的今天来看,更觉任重而道远。

  • 朝阳区妻夫木聪
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@Sundance, 突然发现between女人和母亲中间的十月怀胎过程就和between结婚和live happily ever after中间的磨合与争吵一样从小没人说没人提。可怕的是24岁的我现在身边真的有家人和亲戚开始关心我的reproductive plans,而这些关于生育和堕胎的影像也开始变得无比tangible,现在看是纪录片,但我早生个几十年,或者换个地方出生,就会变成instruction video。几千年来这个社会关于女性的narratives简直就是lies after lies,但觉醒的时代已经到来,所有的后果与成果整个humanity自己承担

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「 January 22nd 1973,will stand out as one of the great days for freedom and free choice.This allows a woman free choice as to whether or not to remain pregnant.this is extraordinary. 」「 We were really ordinary women,and we were trying to save women’s lives.We wanted every women who contacted us to be the hero of her own story. 」

  • 周宇勋
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2022/10/20 Ray Stark Family Theatre 去看吧。

  • 血浆爱好者
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今天在Roe v Wade被推翻的新聞報道中找到了這部紀錄片。羡慕這些勇敢自信的美國女人,連犯罪都這麽地堅定。雖然有總比沒有好,但非法墮胎的風險還是太高了,women shouldn't have to go through all this.

  • Hesperia
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可以和Call Jane配合服用,但和虚构剧情片相比,由Jane成员出镜讲述明显更有力量。最高法院裁定反堕胎违宪,这群自发聚集的普通女性使命告终,没有欢庆没有自满,转头回归茫茫人海。最好哭的地方是其中一个成员看着手里厚厚的病例卡片说“I'm glad we could help them, but they shouldn't have had to go through it.”女性夺回属于自己的东西,却每一小步都如此艰难,无法称之为胜利。

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我先看了Call Jane,才来看的纪录片。太勇敢无畏了,女人帮助女人夺回自己子宫的控制权!"It's the nature basic democratic right of every woman." 01:01:06

  • FirstLast4ever
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  • typacm
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搞运动的人还活着,女性运动又开倒车了。即使在民权运动如火如荼的年代,女性参与运动经常被看成是搞运动的男性的奖励品。这么看起来girl helps girl就显得特别纯粹。

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