1.Feint left, thrust right.
2.Flame is a fickle mistress.
3.Everything good must one day come to an end.
4.It’s easier to trust when you can verify.
5.Difficulties mastered are opportunies won
6.There us no knowledge that is not power.
7.Chracter defines personality.
8.Enjoy it while it lasts.
9.Father Tine has a cruel sense of humor.
10.The smallest good deed is worth more than the grandest intention.
11.Good deeds are the good seeds to good action.
12.Action is eloquence.
13.False eloquence is exaggeration. True eloquence is emphasis.
14.They say that alcohol is a truth serum for some people.
15.As many times as you ask.
16.He talks the talk, so to speak the speak.
17.Peole don’t change overnight.
18.In another life, I’d stayed there forever.
19.- I love how we’re always on the same page.
- Same page? We’re not reading the same book. We’re not even in the same library.
20.Once you go gold, you can’t go back.
21.Giving up something that you want for something you want more.
22.If you want a happy ending, it depends on where you stop the story.
23.That an unshared life is not living.
24.From a withered tree, a flower blooms.
25.As they say, three may keep a secret if two are dead.
26.Without leaps of imagination, you lose the excitement of possibility.
27.Great art has a broader meaning. It captures a time, a place, an emotion.
温馨 搞笑带有一定剧情 大爱的剧 每个演员的个性都鲜明 每一集的故事也都或多或少有艺术气息 moz的出现总是恰到好处 虽然每集的案情铺设有些薄弱 但是不妨碍我喜欢它 孔雀在这部剧里时而儒雅 时而狡黠 认真又幽默 各种西装展示很帅!虽然其中孔雀的才能有点开挂 可是每次都很期待他和moz伪造出的东西。。 可惜的是后来出现的女性保险员的角色不是很喜欢
擦 忘记追到哪一集了……
01、帮人搬钱 02、父亲的遗言 兄弟寻宝 03、diana与穿普拉达的恶魔 04、底特律牙医 05、peter与黑寡妇 06、罗宾汉 07、花掉银行黑客的一亿两千万 09 10 11 凯勒与绑架 12、孔雀教师 13、 peter的新邻居 14、被盗的琴弦&结婚纪念日 15、拉斐尔的画 16、孔雀出逃
finale很不错!看这架势,第四季要解决daddy issue了!Matt Bomer is so glamorous and stunning that I remember nothing but his beauty!can't wait for Season 4 in
不要脸= =
这个半季终是要闹哪样= =比前两季都好看,配角们的故事也都展开。最温馨的就是孔雀和Mr&Mrs suit在一起的一家三口感觉,再带上宠物叮当,那就一切完美。
终于离开NYC,S4回归始祖Catch Me If You Can的追逃戏码。“每一集看到那种令人脸红的对白就知道这部剧已经无药可救了……”
越来越瞧不上小受一脸狗腿样…明明最信任他的人是moz好吧 如果这个剧的编剧真觉得主旋律+卖腐就能走到底的话 我觉得离say goodbye也不远了…妈的 看英剧就从来不会有这种怨气 水准啊!!