1.呵呵,短小精悍,令人深省……小叶说你们凡人基本看不懂,就跟世面上没有真正的影评人一样,都是自认为做了最好的选择跟正确的事的人类,无论为自己还是为他人……这也算是认知差距麽? 2.爆头效果做的真不错
1.呵呵,短小精悍,令人深省……小叶说你们凡人基本看不懂,就跟世面上没有真正的影评人一样,都是自认为做了最好的选择跟正确的事的人类,无论为自己还是为他人……这也算是认知差距麽? 2.爆头效果做的真不错
个人观点,片子的讽刺方式: 以电影的制作、观看模式来讽刺社会某些现象。 望远镜客:说的就是大部分观众,或者只会盲从不动脑子的人们-----我想大多数人都有些这样吧,不然中国的各种有毒食品怎么这么风行呢?各个年龄段的都有,为了看电影而看电影,什么追求都没有。就会听别人的忽悠。在影片中轮胎演技真好,都可以获得奥斯卡 眼睛男:就好像是推销商,发行者,影院的一些相关产业者,比如出爆米花和可乐的。想尽办法让观众看电影并消费。尽量多捞观众的钱。 警长:电影或电视剧制造商。只要有人看,就得继续脚本,不管情节多烂。因为要赚钱。 美女:电影或电视剧里都有。老套路。 特异功能轮胎:演技真好,吊打小鲜肉
In the Steven Spielberg movie “E.T.”, why’s the alien brown? No reason.
In “Love Story”, why did the two characters fall madly in love with each other? No reason.
In Oliver Stone’s “JFK”, why the President suddenly assassinated by some stranger? No reason.
In the excellent “Chainsaw Massacre”by Tobe Hooper, why don’t we ever see the characters go to the bathroom or wash their hands,like people doing in real life? Absolutely no reason.
Worse, in “The Pianist”by Polanski, how come this guy has to hide and live like a bomb when he plays the piano so well? Once again the answer is “no reason”.
I can go on for hours with more examples. The list is endless. You probably never gave it a thought. But all great films,without exception,contain an important element--a “no reason”. And you know why? Because life itself is filled with “no reason”. Why can’t we see the air all around us? No reason. Why’re we always thinking? No reason. Why do some people love sausages and other people hate sausages? No fuckin’reason.
Along with Quentin Dupieux’s works, we can easily found out he’s an imaginable director. His films are full of ironic plot and unnatural things. Most importantly, he always mix the reality and unreality into one scenery, it is so amazing. To be honest, this kind of style is unusual to see. He can use a normal thing like TV to transfer the time and the space. Also, the relationship among characters have not been totally logical but you still feel conventional. That’s awesome.
多少让我想起宋飞S4乔治推销剧集那段经典对白:"It's about nothing" "then why will anybody watch this?" "because it's on TV"
这种电影的评价绝对会两个极端想都不用想。NO FUCKING REASON!!!如果你看的时候这么想的话,是会好受点儿的。挺喜欢片子的创意,虽然轮胎爆头还挺二缺,但也算“可爱”,但偏偏我就是受不了无聊!女主挺好看~
就像片子里自己说的:no reason。。。没有理由,这就是一部很2很白痴很无聊很浪费时间的片子。。。
No Reason.
動物世界嘛~ 弱弱的小傢伙一步步成長, 從險險站穩到歡快的小跑著上路~ 不懈的練習最終熟練著爆頭. 看得人家媽媽感油然而生~好欣慰~
NO fucking reason!!!
No Reason