看了这部脱口秀:《两个男人一台戏》,意外的还蛮不错的,两个演员太有才华了,即兴发挥,各种角色扮演切换自如,抖包袱放笑料恰到好处,演技和功底很扎实,仅仅依靠现场观众的一段故事,即兴表演,临场发挥,搭配默契十足,简直就是戏精的诞生! 该剧是托马斯·米德蒂奇和本·施瓦茨为全球观众献上他们的二人喜剧节目《两个男人一台戏》。这是三部完全即兴制作的 Netflix 喜剧特辑,每一场演出都完全根据一条随机的观众建议进行。全部三个部分都拍摄于纽约大学斯科博表演艺术中心,于 2020 年 4 月 21 日在 Netflix 上首播。 《两个男人一台戏:理想的工作》讲述了两个朋友的故事,其中一人要参加一场重要的工作面试,这场面试演变成了一场存在主义危机,其中涉及摄影、《纽约时报》和肯尼迪机场的卫生间隔间。在一连串滑稽事件的结尾,凯尔和索辛境遇相同,两人都没有找到理想的工作,但都明白了“小羚羊”所蕴含的深层含义。 《两个男人一台戏:魔法法学院》二人组遇到一个打算遗弃小孩并对魔法产生些许兴趣的外星人,这起初是一场一年级法学生参加的恐怖期末考试,随后迅速演变成对人类道德的考验。《早餐俱乐部》与《纳尼亚传奇》在虚构课堂中相遇,该课堂旨在了解纸质合同与数字合同之间的区别。 《两个男人一台戏:停车场婚礼》在婚礼前和婚礼期间,牧师、幽灵、新娘和新郎的父母都非常放松。跟随托马斯和本步入走廊,他们编造了一个引人入胜的情景(六年级恋人的故事、一场失败的抢劫,以及对真爱的终极考验)。
Thomas开车的时候很突然地湿了眼眶: "Actually..."
Ben侧过身关切地看着他"What’s wrong? Hey hey hey ey ey ey(看路)...What’s wrong man?"
-"Everybody takes photos of the good times, the hahas, the...(这里有两个词听不清)Nobody takes photos of...Me." "This character makes me nervous."
-"Because... It’s just I’m worrying about being too real."
-"Okay. For you personally? Or for whom the bell tolls?"
-"For whom the bell tolls(?" "In order to make me feel better about it, can we give him something that really makes him totally different?"
-"Sure. Err... He’s got webbed feet."
-"Okay. And also, I own a cat farm."
After watching an episode ‘Parking Lot Wedding’ of Middleditch and Schwartz, I was deeply intrigued to the actors’ quick reactions and humors on stage. The structure of the show could be viewed as ‘unconventional’ because at first Thomas Middleditch and Ben Schwartz left their audiences to decide freely what was going to be displayed on the show. Four audiences then presented several keywords from their own life stories, the approaching wedding, relationship in the sixth grade, short ex-boyfriend, live music, Walmart parking lot……and so on. Two actors on stage then absorbed every keyword from the audiences’ discussions and created their own improvised show successfully with good scenes! They moved on very fast that they changed many characters in one single show by moving chairs and changing their voices, physical gestures and facial expressions. They performed both men and women authentically without confusing their audiences with their professional acting techniques. In the beginning of the show, we may perceive Dan (Dave) and his best man Corey were embarrassingly discussing Dan’s fiancée Kathleen’s relationship with short Paul before ages in the sixth grade, and Dan asked Corey to stop Paul from saying something mean in his coming Wedding ceremony. And then, they became Sebastian and Dave quickly. We could deduct so easily from two actors’ performances that Dan was afraid of his brother Sebastian’s overtly outgoing characters. They soon turned into Paul and Marnie (also called Amber, maid of honor in the wedding), and they were discussing about Kathleen, which implied that Paul still held romantic feelings towards Kathleen and gave the audiences more details about Paul and Kathleen’s relationship as sixth graders. We also saw some ‘unimportant’ scene of Dan and the man who claimed to be a ghost, who was then found to be the wild minister of the wedding surprisingly. When the wedding finally started, two actors performed as the bride’s parents and the groom’s parents. We saw very different personalities of these characters that Harold, Sebastian and Dan’s father, was very tightened and couldn’t make normal calm sounds while the mothers were excited but remained elegant and normal. At last, we came to our most expected scene: short Paul was going to say something mean on the wedding when the minister asked if there was a guest who wanted to say anything before the loyalty vow! What’s more, the minister, also called the ghost who had very loud, thick and trembling voices, was turned out to be the robber who robbed Kathleen’s pearl necklace after she and short Paul had left the opera house when they were six-graders. However, Kathleen still didn’t break her relationship with her current significant other and refused short Paul’s proposal right before the groom, Dan. They didn’t forget Corey. In the last several scenes, Corey lost his chance to present his best man speech on the wedding to Sebastian because he failed to stop Paul from ruining the wedding.
It was very obvious that Thomas Middleditch and Ben Schwartz were perfectly good actors that they did follow our five guidelines at most of the time. They used ‘Yes and’ in the very first scene when Dan and Corey were talking about Kathleen: they rebuilt the scene on each other’s given information by rephrasing each other’s words like ‘Yes she’s good’, ‘Yes she’s fun’, ‘Yes she’s beautiful’ and ‘Yes she’s gorgeous.’ They were also being extremely present because the audiences really couldn’t find out who would win Kathleen’s heart on the wedding unless they watched the last several scenes, which meant that the actors should have decided the ending very presently. It was easily seen that the musician guests were listening actively to what happened on the wedding that they made sounds on their instruments and sang ‘decide’ to the bride to inspire her final love decision. Thomas Middleditch and Ben Schwartz have been trying to make others look good in the entire show that they never rejected each other’s words, they only rebuilt on each other’s constructed contexts. All in all, their acting methods guaranteed that the show went on very smoothly with no communicative barriers.
I still remembered several ‘most memorable’ parts of the improvised show. Firstly, the show left a pretty good suspense to its audiences especially when short Paul was presenting his monologue of revenge to us audiences that he was planning to get Kathleen back on the wedding. What would happen next exactly? Audiences did not know so they had to watch the show continually in order not to miss the most expected part. Secondly, the actors really created short Paul’s current girlfriend Lisa in the show after listening to their audiences’ personal stories before the show. Just as the girl audience said she didn’t even want to attend the wedding, Lisa in the show finally got mad at what was going on there and screamed out ‘you psychopath’ to short Paul dramatically.
The most revered ability I’d like to learn from this show was the actors’ good memory. In long-form improvisations we must use this ability very well because we are not allowed to self-contradict with our former scenes. Most importantly, we also must keep up with all the characters we created, especially their established personalities, gestures, voices and their complicated relationships in order not to make our show a mess. Once your partner initiates a new scene with recognizable expressions, you have to know who he is currently, and who you are going to be to react to him perfectly to make the scene go on logically.
I wish they’d improve a little on their explicit sexual allusions. Six graders are still too young to have sex ‘nastily’ as the actors describe in the show. Underage kids should be educated in an appropriate way by adults when it comes to sex topics in the public. Anyway, I still like the show.
我觉得就是一个现场随性表演脑洞大开的Stand by ... 哈哈哈,每集的高光时刻是两个人记错自己创造的人物名称,哈哈哈哈,二人随机应变的默契真的令人敬佩:同时也是笑点和看点。创意灵感根据现场观众抛出来的话题展开创作,两人都太会抖包袱了,哈哈哈哈。 我觉得就是一个现场随性表演脑洞大开的Stand by ... 哈哈哈,每集的高光时刻是两个人记错自己创造的人物名称,哈哈哈哈,二人随机应变的默契真的令人敬佩:同时也是笑点和看点。创意灵感根据现场观众抛出来的话题展开创作,两人都太会抖包袱了,哈哈哈哈。
Middleditch & Schwartz
第一场表演《停车场婚礼》,从某个现场观众喊出getting married开始。
而且,他们并不固定自己的角色分配,而是互串角色 ,但是,观众又能准确辨别,因为他们为每个角色赋予了明显不同的口音、语气、行为、性格等。
Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique.GIF
冲着Thomas Middleditch去看的结果发现了Ben Schwartz这个宝藏男人。三场里还是第一场最好笑啊,short Paul和ghost的那段(恶搞了Bruce Wayne?)是鬼才。
Netflix这一波估计会成为improv传播史上的转折点,即使是最棒的第一集当然远不算完美,可这不正是即兴的魅力,more than just "Yes, and..."(朋友们,improv不是stand up!醒醒!即兴演员和单口演员简直就是两个物种!)
太牛了!!!!!连着看了两遍 还是自己在家笑成狗 即兴喜剧原来这么有趣么
喜欢parking lot wedding>dream job
我真的要吹爆这个脱口秀了!即兴无剧本+多角色扮演+角色替换+演女生演矮子...居然能如此牛逼的情况下还能让我爆笑?? 胡子哥惊喜很多但是容易忘自己挖的坑(不只是演的还是真忘),黑发哥全程很稳负责帮他圆谎。怎么可以这么好看!我的宝藏!!//中国翻盘两人我都找好了,沈腾和贾玲!!!
全即兴的stand up comedy,创造了一种特别的代入感。抛弃掉设计好的桥段和包袱,反而让剧情和表演更加真实,奇妙的身临其境。尤其是两人配合默契,又互相挖坑。简直就是fiasco的真人表演版哈哈哈
天呐没想到这么好笑!!第一集和第三集简直是best laugh this year。记不得自己的人物搞不清名字都是高光笑点,时不时蹦出的新人物和两人互相接梗偶尔互相给对方下套都默契满满。我吹爆!!
我真的球球大家都要看这个improv talkshow,这两个人简直是宝藏演员了,太有才了吧,我真的笑出公鸡打鸣呜呜呜。所有那些在搞砸边缘徘徊的时刻最后居然都巧妙地融到剧情里了,真的好厉害的应变能力和掌控力,跟stand-up comedy完全不一样的观感。真的,想要跑到大街上扯个喇叭吆喝摁着路人头皮让他看的那种安利!以及全程都在学穿搭(Middleditch的袜子还有Schwartz的鞋都好骚哦,喜欢~
草啊哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈都这么艰难了 就不要互坑了8!!!
绝了!看之前根本想不到五十多分钟的improv能达到这个完成度!每集都竟然凑出了一个像样的结局和主旨,而且每每call back都使我惊喜万分。真是两个灵活幽默的天才活宝,搭配太默契了,有一个这么能玩到一起的兄弟可真好。希望能有续集!
要不是quarantine 我真的要搬着小矮凳去街头为这个秀吆喝了!!怎么可以这么搞笑啊真的笑到我要pause the show笑完再继续!我爱这两位pure genius!
WTF?哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈第一集太他妈惊艳了!那个Short Paul点设定太草了哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!
最近一直在看喜剧但是只有看这个的时候笑到头晕哈哈哈哈哈哈哈淦。评论里有人说这俩像是在台上精神做爱也太贴切了,第三集到meat ball call back的时候特别默契,互坑互补未免太美好🥺🥺好想看以前喜欢过的comedy duo也搞improv啊呜呜呜呜呜呜