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副作用2013 剧照 NO.1副作用2013 剧照 NO.2副作用2013 剧照 NO.3副作用2013 剧照 NO.4副作用2013 剧照 NO.5副作用2013 剧照 NO.6副作用2013 剧照 NO.13副作用2013 剧照 NO.14副作用2013 剧照 NO.15副作用2013 剧照 NO.16副作用2013 剧照 NO.17副作用2013 剧照 NO.18副作用2013 剧照 NO.19副作用2013 剧照 NO.20


  四年前,丈夫Martin(查宁·塔图姆 Channing Tatum 饰)的入狱让Emily(鲁妮·玛拉 Rooney Mara 饰)陷入了忧郁之中。如今Martin出狱了,Emily的忧郁并没有减少,反而企图在停车场开车自杀。自杀未遂后,医生Jon(裘德·洛 Jude Law 饰)开始对她进行治疗。Jon了解到Emily以前的医生是Siebert,便找Siebert了解了一些情况。Jon给Emily开了几种治忧郁症的药,似乎都没作用。Emily提出让她服用一种叫Ablixa的药,是她的同事Julia向她推荐的。服用了这种新药之后,Emily病情有所好转,却开始梦游。Jon告诉她,梦游是服用这种药的副作用。一天晚上,Martin回到家中,发现Emily在厨房梦游,Emily更拿着刀刺中了Martin。Martin死亡,法院判处Emily无罪,但她必须在一个精神病院接受治疗。Jon因为此事也陷入漩涡之中,他开始调查起整个杀人事件的前因后果,发现此事并非只是Emily服用了药产生副作用那么简单,还有更多人牵涉其中......热播电视剧最新电影恶与假面的规则婚战北漂合伙人烟飞烟灭你的颜色骷髅山奇谭皇帝陛下的天价宝贝铁窗怒火续集山河恋探险家:攀登特普伊山脉史蒂芬霍金 远征新地球两个男人一台戏时间的色彩刑警弓神开错鬼门关瑜伽妹斗罗朝鲜名侦探:高山乌头花的秘密机动奥特曼第二季元洲街王后升舱巧遇对手2008领衔女主月嫂先生新娘未满ESCASPE


 1 ) 《藥命關係》






 2 ) 鲁妮·玛拉的演技派地位


 3 ) 《副作用》:索德伯格的苦药丸


 4 ) 反转再反转的悬疑电影






 5 ) 精神院太精神




 6 ) Trickery of the Minds and a Bitter Pill

At first, “Side Effects” looks like another jab at the pharmaceutical industry. Coping with her husband’s release from jail, Emily (Rooney Mara) finds herself sliding deep into depression. Following a public meltdown and a suicide attempt, she begins to receive treatment from Dr. Banks (Jude Law), who prescribes some medications, but to no avail. Dr. Banks contacts Emily’s former psychiatrist Dr. Siebert (Catherine Zeta-Jones), who suggests that she try a new antidepressant: Ablixa. The drug seems to work for Emily: she is happier and regains her sex drive, though she begins to sleepwalk. One day, while sleepwalking, she stabs her husband (Channing Tatum) to death and has no recollection of the event afterwards.

Before we continue, let’s take a look at those side effects of the fictional Ablixa, claimed to be in the class of SSRIs (along with Prozac and Zoloft). Stabbing? In fact, aggression usually decreases in depressed adults following treatment of SSRIs. Better sex? Ironically, decreased libido and sexual dysfunction are among the most distinctive side effects of SSRIs, frequently leading to termination of therapy. Sleepwalking? Again, there is no clinical evidence of that in SSRIs (there is some in another class of antidepressants, TCAs). Basically, all of these side effects are made up.

So the film’s realism is not worthy of much praise; in fact, some might find aspects of the plot questionable or far-fetched. Lack of realism however is forgivable in this film, as we are invited to further challenge the veracity of almost everything on screen. In addition to the usual suspect of the drug company (consistently representing “the bad guy” in theaters), we wonder if Dr. Banks is carelessly prescribing Ablixa for his own gains. We wonder if Dr. Siebert is setting out to harm Emily or Emily’s husband. We wonder if Dr. Banks and Dr. Siebert have been colluding in Emily’s fall. We wonder if Emily’s boss, a fellow patient of depression, has a role in whichever conspiracy theory we have in our heads. Some of us might even wonder if the self-medicating Dr. Banks is the real patient, or if he exists at all. There seems to be evidence for all of those explanations, none of which make complete sense.

This uncertainty is the true thrill of “Side Effects.” It does not give us a quick answer, preferring to taunt and tease for the most part. The suspense of a homicide or a cat-and-mouse race, in which we root for justice to prevail, gives way to multiple interpretations and ambiguous scenarios where good and bad people seem to switch places every fifteen minutes. We do not know which side justice stands on, or even if there is justice when everyone seems to have ulterior, sinister motives. The film invites us to investigate a case that really begins after its legal ending and has more than a few surprises waiting to be unfolded, like a Rubik’s cube that automatically twists just when you think you have a clue. Slow as our stint as detectives might be, it is quite a ride.

With hits such as “Magic Mike,” “Eric Brokovich,” “Traffic,” “Sex, Lies, and Videotape” and the Ocean’s Trilogy, director Steven Soderbergh has long been among the ranks of Spielberg and Scorsese as a big-shot director whose name cashes in as much as his actors. “Side Effects” is a further proof of his worth. Though still not at Alfred Hitchcock’s level, Soderbergh does share certain traits with the celebrated master. Both are prolific and fast on their feet: Hitchcock directed over 50 films in his luminous career and Soderbergh 27 features, both clocking in at more than one film per year. Both are versatile filmmakers: Hitchcock directed silent films, early talkies and both English and Hollywood productions, while Soderbergh jumps between blockbusters and independent projects with ease. Both are cinematic polymaths: Hitchcock’s visual and editing styles broke grounds, and Soderbergh has doubled or tripled himself as screenwriter, cinematographer and editor, the latter two under his pseudonyms. Both directors have enjoyed critical and commercial success: Hitchcock’s fame needs no further elaboration, and Soderbergh’s 12 wide releases earned more than $82 million on average and nods from the critics.

Manifest in “Side Effects” is one final similarity, perhaps more striking and precious than any above. Though not noted for his economy of dialogue, Soderbergh stays true to the Hitchcockian philosophy of telling a story with his camera. Many revealing details of the key incidents are conveyed or foreshadowed by deliberate, cunning shots or sequences: the zoom on a name card, the to-and-fro between Emily’s face and a handshake and a conspicuous tracking shot all complicate our understanding of what is going on. When depicting Emily’s depressive episodes, Soderbergh uses shallow focus and eerily high angles and frames to underscore the isolated, distorted nature of her mental state. In one memorable moment, she attends a ball with her husband and, as she leaves for a drink at the bar, she looks into an angled mirror and sees the illusion of her right face melting off. The metaphor of her altered mind is obvious, but its implications are not disclosed until the very end. Colored by Thomas Newman’s hushed, uncanny score, Soderbergh’s photography successfully visualizes the ambiguity of the story, making the film a mystery inside out.

A charming cast galvanizes that mystery. Rooney Mara is perfect for the role of Emily: her delicate, doll-like features lend to a sweet innocent veneer, which haunts us as soon as we realize that perhaps there is more trouble to her than depression. The jarring emotional hollowness of her character in a depressive state — even when she stabs her husband to death — unsettles us and lingers in our mind. Mara’s performance is effective, airtight and respectably devoid of any self-indulgence: she is there to make you wonder, and she does exactly that. Playing Emily’s current and former psychiatrists, Jude Law and Catherine Zeta-Jones form an unlikely pair, yet the experience of watching their characters’ protean and tumultuous relationship is quite stimulating. Channing Tatum has little time to play the pivotal victim, but the third-time collaborator with Soderbergh does a decent job as well.

Soderbergh insisted that he would depart from filmmaking after finishing up his final projects, including “Side Effects.” Be it a curtain call, a “sabbatical” (as he put it) or a much-needed break, it is possible that we will not see his name on credits for a while. In my recent memory, few directors have supplied moviegoers with works as consistently good and delightfully fast as his. I hope he will, as famed “ten-films-and-no-more” director Luc Besson (“The Fifth Element,” “The Professional”) did, “regain [his] appetite film by film.” Until he starts his next project, though, we are lucky to have “Side Effects” to enjoy.


First published in The Amherst Student, Issue 142-16



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2013年第一部满分电影,小文艺完美融合大悬疑。Rooney Mara is PERFECT.

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索德伯格有触底反弹的趋势,看着有《十一罗汉》那意思,情节非常的迂回曲折拨云见日柳暗花明的,但就是禁不住细琢磨....泽塔琼斯非常的棒,鲁妮妹子美惨了,裘裘男神依旧,钱老板存在感不强= =个人认为全片的亮点在于裘医生的台词“该药的副作用是脱发”

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其实如果整个片子按照前半部分的路数走下去,在Jude Law开始发疯崩溃之后结束做一个open ending,那么应该会深刻得多……原本可以对抑郁症、精神药物、药厂和医生的关系等问题做极有现实意义的探讨,现在的故事变成了不具有任何映射意义的个案,虽然好看过瘾戏剧性强,但总有些遗憾呢。

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