英国外交官彼得最近发现妻子玛格丽特的行为有点异常,她常常夜不归家。通过侦探,彼得得知玛格丽特在外面还租了一间小公寓… 这一天,彼得跟踪而去,当他推开门时,果然发现妻子赤裸躺在那里,明明被子里还有人在动!彼得倒也是个有风度的外交官,见此情景,也没有大发雷霆,只是让那奸夫快点出来。再三要求之下,被子里钻出的竟然是一只又大又丑的黑猩猩… 《马克斯,我的爱》(Max My Love),由大岛渚执导,夏洛特·兰普林、安东尼·希金斯等主演的法国奇情喜剧片,1986年上映。
资源已发功中耗怀旧怪奇电影 影片讲述了外交官的妻子玛格丽特与一只黑猩猩马克斯之间产生了超越宠物的特殊感情,从而闹出了许多麻烦和有趣的事。 一部猎奇的人猿畸恋,即使在现在也显得颠覆三观,更何况是在80年代。大岛渚曾以一部《感官世界》惊世骇俗,而在本片中,他则以相对温和的调子,讲述了一个另类的高贵主妇与丑陋黑猩猩之间互相爱慕依赖的故事。 故事充满讽刺,作为外交官的丈夫彼得,惊诧于妻子的怪癖,却把自己与女秘书的婚外情轻轻忽略,而且还为了满足自己偷窥的私欲,怂恿妻子与猩猩的性生活,并且找妓女加以验证。 同时,电影也充满人文关怀,尤其对于女性地位和情感的关怀。电影的摄影唯美,女性角色无可挑剔,无论女主角那种中性之美,还是小女仆的敏感可爱,以及风尘女郎的洒脱妖冶,都令人印象深刻。
MAX, MON AMOUR received a tepid reaction when it debuted inCannes in 1986, a French-American co-production under the rein of the late Japanese provocateurNagisa Ôshima (1932-2013),which would become his penultimate feature film.
Since then, it has become a succès de scandale which isless being watched than hyped due to its subversive content, but in fact, most of the time, it suffices as a tongue-in-cheek comedy, a marital satire borne out ofJean-Claude Carrière’s urtext, Peter Jones (Higgins) isa liberal-minded British diplomat working and living in Paris, one day, to his utter dismay, he finds out the paramour of his wife Margaret (Rampling), is a male chimpanzee named Max, beggar belief, the couple decides to try out a kind ofménage-à-trois by bringing Max into their official residence, where also lives their towhead school-age son Nelson (Hovik), and believe it or not, in the end of the story, their co-habitation actually works.
Cagey about the salacious details of the relationship between Margaret and her“supposed" primate lover,Ôshima sides with the husband’s point-of-view to parse the couple's tug-of-war, firstly, Peter takes up the gauntlet to show his magnanimity by accepting the situation without letting it get under his skin, then, driven by curiosity and jealousy, his attitude towards Max seesaws between hostility and respectable concern, an experiment of corroborating the inter-species sexual act is a bust, whereas an episode of shotgun scare is just a cheeky practice of cheap tension.
It is an immoral cock-and-bull story, menace is palpable, but vice has never descended into the picture andwhat sagaciously affirming is the film’s brazen stance on the dynamism between the couple, it is always Margaret who has the say-so in their states of affairs, however preposterous and quixotic, there is a deep respect unites them as an entity, Peter stoutly fights her corner in the face of extrinsic parties, whether it is a zoologist or a neuropsychologist, accordingly, she also quite frank about her feelings, even stays on friendly terms with Peter’s secretary-cum-lover Camille (a gratingly loud Diana Quick).
It is a surprise that Ôshima chooses not to go out on a limb in salting the plot by bestowing Max with a feral complexion, alternatively played by real chimps and stunts in verisimilar costumes (solely by this reviewer’s reckoning), Max is presented as a meek pet, not dangerous, sulky at most, albeit his human-like size, even becomes mawkishly lovelorn and loses his appetite when Margaret is absent. Granted, there is a touching and tender naiveness seething beneath its surrealistic premise, which also is not exactly congruent withÔshima’s make-up if one might venture to surmise.
Both Rampling and Higgins tackle the thorny subject with bravura, what percolates from their collective effort is a beguilingly unfeigned sophistication stemming from a bourgeois background, andÔshima conspiratorially sends up their caprices with deadpan seriousness, not to mention a non sequitur triumph appended to the part where Max momentarily goes missing in the woods.
Ultimately, MAX, MON AMOUR doesn’t come to provoke moralists, but offers a keyhole for the audience to observe a behavioral pattern says as much of living beings' universality as of their idiosyncrasy, the point is made, but reverberations are somewhat deadened when Ôshima settles for a middle road between "funny and die" in his overall approach.
referential point:Ôshima’s MERRY CHRISTMAS MR. LAWRENCE (1983, 8.5/10)
大岛渚的法国制片系列从来都在创造人类情欲的极致体验。这次把夏洛特兰普林和一直猩猩放在一起,让“真正的动物”搅乱西方上层社会的生活。然而在我看来这部电影更有着具体的社会隐喻。其中有一个镜头,男主人公带小情人去动物园讨论人兽之间的intercourse。后年有一群黑人小孩,混在白人儿童里,或许这部影片其实只是在比喻某种三十年前在西欧还略显禁忌的interracial relationship。
在猩猩与人性的探讨方面,和这部25年前的电影比起来,《猩球崛起》差远了。但我始终无法理解女主角对这只猩猩的深厚感情……男主角的研究举动也难以理解……猩猩居然是人扮演的!我震惊了!!!完全木有看出来!神演技!!!P.S.大岛渚的电影里有正常的爱情嘛……= =
这是西方版的感官世界吧。最后夏在想象中自述,倘若这个社会令她爱而不得,只能情浓至杀死猩猩内核还是大岛渚的日式的 畸恋禁忌之恋 内心决绝地违抗社会 为自己争得一点点生存空间。就算是畸形的也是活生生地真正活着家里养了猩猩,让人想起《方形》这个钥匙孔又让人想起《万能钥匙》女王得到的盛大接待被省略了,反而猩猩最后沿街获得了女王的待遇女佣中间对猴毛过敏是假,对男主人心情差过敏是真真扯男人啊不亲眼看见对方和出轨对象做爱不死心。亲眼看见死了心又开始算计我为什么要养这样的你?“他不得不算”服装真他妈优秀绝了。不论是夏的还是剧中爱蜜儿接待女王的晚礼服小朋友的选择值得注意。选择了妈妈和猩猩。中途他们倒像真正的一家三口。而作为文明人有钱有地位的爸爸,被数次拒绝在牢笼之外。究竟谁是自由的
①以猎奇心态进入,逐渐代入猩猩视角②开门见山,无一句废话,结尾收得妙,将“正常”结局变为女主想象③反思“家庭”模式,笼子的隐喻④人可以爱上猩猩,马也可以爱上樱桃树⑤why do people hunt?⑥动物应自由or被驯养?
Oshima originally intended there to be a scene where Max performs cunnilingus on Margaret, but ultimately decided it would be too risque for French cinema.😅真有你的大岛先生,😍Rampling好美
最近看的几个电影,唯一让我不快进的,居然还有艳星Victoria Abril。
人人都爱马克斯。虽然看起来很和谐,我还是希望Max 自由生活在大森林。