• 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 美剧
  • 韩剧



主演:伊万·亚当斯,Jared Ager-Foster






  14-year-old Ella is determined to travel the length of the Inside Passage, along the shores of the Great Bear Rainforest by kayak in order to testify against a proposed pipeline that would see oil tanker traffic through her beloved homeland waters. She's prepared to handle all of the challenges the wildlife, the weather, the water, and her gear have to offer up. The most challenging of all is that she has to bring her dysfunctional family with her. Her neurotic aunt, her cranky uncle, her wayward cousin, and the memory of her late uncle all come along for the ride to make it a fun and amazing adventure. From Tla'Amin to Klemtu, BC, this family navigates their blend of cultures and desires, while their spirits honour the coast as a place for each of us to call home and protect.热播电视剧最新电影艰难之年实习女捕快型男大主厨贩卖疑惑的商人路易斯·韦恩的激情人生远大前程第一季广州人家白色战争轰雷任务隐藏的真相2024欢迎回来,旅人兵库篇中国好声音2023浮图缘魔笛1975卡戴珊家族第五季爱重启起势摇滚(粤语)虎踞钟山同居男女异星汪等到烟暖雨收2奋进小康路开启新征程离婚律师不能说的女儿第二季杰夫·唐纳姆:亲戚灾难Dirty Mama!记忆的时间东方朔最佳情侣

