

主演:拜莉·麦迪逊,Chloe Lukasiak,帕特·布恩,弗洛伊·格特瑞兹






  Dusty Rhodes is new at Jefferson High, and she sticks out like a... well, a cowgirl. Dusty is a real cowgirl from Texas. Her parents are in the U.S. Army: her mother a helicopter pilot and her father a Special Forces Army Ranger. At first, Dusty is an outcast, but eventually she makes friends with a group that includes Savanah, a girl whose father was killed while fighting in Iraq three years earlier. Even though Savanah is kind of Goth and Dusty is all cowgirl they have a special connection and they bond. Dusty gets the school to agree to an Equestrian Drill Team and she enlists her new city slicker friends to join the team. As Dusty and the team practice, Dusty deals with the fears that come with her mother fighting in Afghanistan.烈火迷局伏香(粤语版)杀戮都市GANTZ大路2012堡垒小屋2020孩子不坏外面High Kick 短腿的反击半镜新仙鹤神针国语错嫁厨神小当家 第二季夜间法庭第二季心碎消失的她风尘三侠夜爱吸血鬼红宝石戒指沉默的舰队 第一季魔灵赏金猎人升华狼女传奇绑架2007征服者双喜盈门风中奇缘2014掘金女郎夜班惊魂永远醉晕了剃刀边缘1980无间风暴屠龙者的黎明猎袭2布道家庭 第三季挚爱奇缘头文字D粤语危险性游戏第一季灵魂摆渡·南洋传说埃达尔和埃杰2恐龙战队:战士永恒神鞭孽恋津轻涂的女儿

