Tomorrow is fancy, tomorrow is grand. The world wants to take you on a bullet-train ride and you can become the next legacy. Gazing back with tenderness and respect amidst the roaring tomorrows--to where your story begins--can never be easy. Safeguarding parents' fraying outlines and writing love and dignity into our pasts. I'll say that's a meaningful life.
Quotes from the title sequence:
Life flies past us so swiftly that few of us pause to consider those who have lost the tempo of today. Their laughter and their tears we do not even understand for there is no magic that will draw together in perfect understanding the aged and the young. There is a canyon between us, and the painful gap is only bridged by the ancient words of a very wise man — “Honor thy Father and thy Mother.”
Like many other French cinephiles, I discoveredMake Way for Tomorrowrelatively late, although we had been interested in Leo McCarey for years. We had hunted down his Laurel and Hardy pictures, adoredDuck Soup,the best of the Marx Brothers films, consideredThe Awful Trutha classic, and stood up forAnAffair to Rememberin the face of the critical establishment. (I do wonder if we were right to defendRally ’Round the Flag, Boys!,in which Joan Collins whispers, I believe, “Pink peignoir, pink boudoir, pink me.” It’s a film I saw five times in a row and haven’t dared to look at again in three decades.)
Delmar Daves was the first person I knew of to warmly praiseMake Way for Tomorrow,in the early sixties, leading us to the discovery of a film that had not yet been released in France. Daves had served as McCarey’s cowriter onLove Affairand its remake,An Affair to Remember,which included those sequences from the first version that had been cut or never filmed. Daves consideredMake Way for Tomorrowone of McCarey’s masterpieces, one of the greatest American films ever made, and one of the most egregiously overlooked. He had no end of praise for it, passionately telling us about the film’s emotional intensity and, particularly, its last thirty minutes. He compared its emotional impact to that of the silent films of Frank Borzage.
A few years later, producer and screenwriter Sidney Buchman told meMake Way for Tomorrowwas McCarey’s favorite of his films—and the one that led him to take his revenge on Columbia Pictures president Harry Cohn. Whenever McCarey went over budget or fell behind schedule while shootingTheAwful Truth,Cohn relentlessly reminded him ofMake Way’s commercial failure. AfterThe Awful Truth’s triumphant release, McCarey led Cohn to believe he would renew his contract with Columbia. But the day before they had agreed to sign, McCarey published an ad in Variety announcing he had just signed with RKO forGoing My Way.
John Ford and Jean Renoir were equally fervent in their admiration forMake Way for Tomorrow.When Pierre Rissient finally distributed it in France in the midsixties (along withRuggles of Red Gap,which was just as hard to find and equally overlooked), and I worked with him on the release, Renoir wrote a few enthusiastic lines to be added to earlier praise from Ford, Ernst Lubitsch, and Daves.
My former wife, Colo O’Hagan, prepared the subtitles with historian Bernard Eisenschitz. I remember that she was in tears as she typed them up. She was still overwhelmed by the profound emotion the film had stirred up in her.
Despite a warm critical reception, the film did not do well at the box office. We had implored the critics not to summarize its plot, to find a literary way of describing the film’s emotional tone without revealing it was about a couple of old people sent off to separate retirement homes by their children, but our pleas often fell on deaf ears. And once the film’s plotline was disclosed, the positive effect of the critics’ praise was wiped out.
I will never forget my amazement when I saw the print Rissient received from the United States, which he showed me right away. That screening remains one of the most powerful moments of the decade for me. The nearly miraculous way in which McCarey manages to avoid the bathos inherent in such a subject, steering clear of sticky pity, of condescension and moralizing sermons—it all transfixed me. It was as though an arrow had struck me and stayed vibrating in my heart.
I’ve experienced the same feeling every time I’ve seen the film in the forty years since. It’s the same feeling I get when I see Borzage’s7th Heavenor Yasujiro Ozu’sTokyo Story.As in both those films, McCarey immediately finds the exact distance he must be from his characters. We’re always in among them, in their places, feeling everything they experience—yet at the same time, McCarey keeps us just far enough away that we can be witness to their flaws and blunders, both comical and poignant. Like Borzage, he uses humor, the comedy of certain unexpected reactions, to defuse the traps of melodrama. He is assisted in his achievement by the magnificent performancesof Victor Moore and Beulah Bondi, probably in the best roles of their careers.
And our laughter—for we often laugh duringMake Way for Tomorrow—increases the emotional impact tenfold. We laugh, and our hearts ache . . . McCarey remains the great specialist of these shifts in tone and mood, as seen in certain sequences ofLove Affairand, of course, in the Gettysburg Address scene inRuggles of Red Gap.This is a laughter that grips your heart and “rattles the cage,” as they say in Quebec. Like certain scenes in Chekhov, where we move from laughter to tears without warning, with a sudden, painfully smooth fluidity. Like life, when we know how to observe it and faithfully put it on the screen.
6.0 总觉得这样的故事在东亚场景会吸引人很多,除了主角外的角色太美国化,并不普世。
很好的题材,很好的表达,它的表达内核是一个永恒的议题,就是任何一个时代和家庭都会存在这样显得多余的父母和逃避赡养父母责任不孝的子女,对老年人的情感关怀缺失既是一个社会问题,也是一个亲情议题,但这个问题实际上没有任何方案去解决,所有的出口都在于老人们的内心,像电影里的两位老人他们是传统和保守的代表,但是我们当代也会有更现代化的代表,他们不依附于子女生存,活得更通透,归根结底,我们终归需要意识到,能够抚慰个体的永远是个体本身,个体既是问题的成因也是问题的结果。 此外,也不得不用更现代化的眼光更严谨的去看电影的问题,剧本的表达还有表演的表达都会有一些比较过的地方,它们加重了电影表达的某些力度,但也存在某些相对的不合理性,它是一种很戏剧并很个体化表达的融合,二者之间的平衡性我觉得还是不够的,它使得每一场戏之间都会有断续,最终拼连起来多少有些不圆融,当然电影最大的优点在于,每一场戏的表达我认为导演都非常充分的理透了他想要实现的效果,尽管当下来看,电影的思维逻辑以及技术层面都会有些不足,但是看看电影创作的时代,又不得不说,它很不可思议,它的创作非常传统但是议题非常超前!
可視作Before Surise系列終曲。
make way for tommorrow这样的标题看起来真的很像一个保险广告语,这部片子也正好是美国在1935年刚刚通过社会保障法之后拍摄的,带有大萧条的社会背景。不过这部电影更像是一部老年人的爱情故事,一个越酿越香的爱情故事。电影的细节也流露了to be kind to each
“17岁时,世界很美好,面对现实就好像跳舞或参加派对那么有趣。等到了70岁,你不再在乎跳舞,不再想着派对,你唯一的乐趣就是假装根本无需面对现实。” 用一首暮年诗歌喟叹今朝,没有比这更让人心酸的事了。
片子虽然老,但反映的子女孝敬老人问题却永不过时。最后老两口携手重温过往年华的部分极其让人动容。不由想起叶芝的那首经典的诗,when you are old
Make Way for Tomorrow
Honor thy Father,and thy Mother。一看到海报我就想起了《东京物语》