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冤家成双对 第三季


主演:杰克·达文波特,吉娜·贝尔曼,莎拉·亚历山大,Kate Isitt,本·迈尔斯,理查德·柯伊尔



冤家成双对 第三季 剧照 NO.1冤家成双对 第三季 剧照 NO.2冤家成双对 第三季 剧照 NO.3冤家成双对 第三季 剧照 NO.4冤家成双对 第三季 剧照 NO.5冤家成双对 第三季 剧照 NO.6冤家成双对 第三季 剧照 NO.13冤家成双对 第三季 剧照 NO.14冤家成双对 第三季 剧照 NO.15冤家成双对 第三季 剧照 NO.16冤家成双对 第三季 剧照 NO.17冤家成双对 第三季 剧照 NO.18冤家成双对 第三季 剧照 NO.19冤家成双对 第三季 剧照 NO.20


冤家成双对 第三季美剧免费高清在线观看全集。

  本剧集是BBC 2台2000年正式推出的以青年人为题材和对象的系列情景喜剧,创意和编剧均由Steven Moffat一人担当。三男三女的主要人物构成很容易使人联想到当时正走红(其实已经在走下坡路)的《Friends》,因此很有不少根本没看过本剧的媒体人士和评论家想当然地将本剧称作英国版的《Friends》,而在那些有幸欣赏过本剧的观众们看来,《Coupling》在情节设定、人物表演、喜剧元素的设计和表现等诸多方面所达到的水平,要比《Friends》高几个档次。相比之下,《Friends》只能说是一部“业余”水平的好作品而已。当然总体来说,英剧的水准本身就高于美剧,这和英剧注意保持创意、编剧一体化是分不开的,美剧的创意一般也就为最初几集编剧,以后主要的编剧工作都是由其它编剧根据最初的角色设定来自由发挥,编剧队伍的构成也是不断变化,老的走新的来,造成美剧情节连贯性差甚至前后矛盾,故事往往缺乏深度,人物性格平面化,缺少发展。这都是题外话了。
  《Coupling》的主要人物包括优柔寡断、性格不成熟的帅哥Steve,Steve的莫逆之交、举止语言古怪、总也找不到女友的Jeff,头脑简单、外表性感的“donkey” Patrick三位对Porn、特别是lesbian porn非常热中的男士,以及Steve的前女友、神神叨叨、擅用性感作武器的Jane,Steve的继任女友、Jeff的同事、曾经非常“不羁”(包括和Jeff还有Patrick)过的Susan,Susan的莫逆、对衰老和肥胖极度敏感的美容师Sally三位女士。在第一集中,Steve决定“再次”和女友Jane分手,结果却被Jane三言两语引诱到洗手间亲热;Patrick想把和Susan的关系再进一步,却被告知根本不存在什么“关系”; Susan在洗手间碰到匆忙出来买Durex的Steve,向他表示好感,两人订下约会以后Steve钻进隔间继续……。本剧的主线包括Steve和 Susan之间逐渐正式起来的关系,Jeff寻找艳遇过程中的种种意外以及后来和上司发展出来的一段关系,Patrick和Sally之间若有若无到若即若离再到情深难舍的感情发展,还有Jane在事业和异性关系中的各种奇事,等等。
  2003年底,本剧获得英国喜剧奖(BCA)最佳电视喜剧奖。BBC已经在2004年正式开拍并播出第4季,不过Jeff这个人物将不再出现,而代之以新角色——经营Sci-Fi书店的Oliver,由Richard Mylan扮演。从已经播出的几集来看,应该说在更换主要角色之一的背景下,基本保持了前3季的水准,但是同时也流露出对前3季中成功情节进行拷贝的迹象,希望这仅仅是偶然。
  Two's company, three's a crowd... so what do you do with six? On average, men and women think about sex every six seconds. Shorten that to every second, and you've got Coupling. It's more than just a one night stand!
  When a couple gets together, it's never just the two of them - they also bring baggage - and Susan (Sarah Alexander) and Steve (Jack Davenport) are no exception. Their baggage is a crowd of best friends and exes who talk about all aspects of sex and relationships on their never-ending quest to find true love. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps...
  Susan Walker is a beautiful go-getter with an uninhibited attitude who used to date Patrick Maitland (Ben Miles), the sextet's charismatic, cocky player, London's king of conquests - a guy who's just too cool to worry about being smart. Attractive Sally Harper (Kate Isitt) is a beauty therapist who is Susan's unashamedly vain best friend, who aggressively battles aging with heavy doses of moisturizer and men - including Patrick.
  Meanwhile, Steve Taylor, while getting together with Susan, can't seem to shake loose from his vivacious and slightly vacuous ex-girlfriend Jane Christie (Gina Bellman), a woman supremely confident in her ability to seduce anyone of either sex, and who refuses to be dumped unless she's the one doing the dumping. Jeff Murdoch (Richard Coyle) is Steve's "porn buddy" who is, in equal parts, obsessed and bewildered by actual sex; charming in his way, but with an uncanny ability to say the wrong thing at the worst possible time. He works in the same office as Susan, with whom he had a disastrous and unsuccessful one-night fling.
  Coupling has been honoured with the prestigious Silver Rose of Montreux, Best TV Comedy Award, and is recent winner at the 2003 British Comedy Awards.
  With a new guy on the scene, a baby on the way, commitment in the air, and love on the horizon, the dynamics of the six friends are definitely changing.
  At the end of last season Susan and Steve discovered they were pregnant (well, mostly Susan), confirmed bachelor Patrick and Sally finally admitted their true feelings for each other, and poor Jane was left on her own, once again.
  But it's not all doom and gloom for Jane. As the new season opens, things are looking up. There's this guy called Oliver, who has his eye on her. Is it possible that lifetime loser in love Oliver might just get somewhere with lifetime loser in love Jane? Trouble is, his apartment is a little "un-edited" and his living room has lost the battle with magazine nudity...
  Susan and Steve are now well and truly an item. So why is he dreaming about being executed by a fetus with an axe?
  Meanwhile Sally and Patrick are settling into their new relationship. But since the dawn of time, men and women have been falling in love - and men have been trying to get home straight afterwards. Can fallen playboy Patrick ever find his way back from the enchanted glade of his one true love and get a decent night's sleep?

热播电视剧最新电影神秘海域哈拉上路2:啤酒桌球赛大汉风之大风起兮医妃难囚 第二季坚强 Stronger德国玖零大漠豪情仙剑风云家出少女迷失太空第二季血色夫妻有了心思你慢慢来野生链艳骨仿生超极限我的时髦公主之睡美人篇讲台深处实境之旅-九寨沟妙女神探第六季性治疗师爱情魔力单身毒妈 第二季她那边的床辩护人2013WWW.迷糊餐厅金蝴蝶梦勇者王晚吹 - 空肚講宵夜玩具之神


 1 ) 成双对的少女心


 2 ) Perhaps





至于Sally,一开始并没有太喜欢她,永远焦虑皮肤细纹屁股大,面霜一天要涂好几层,感觉永远神经兮兮的。看到后面越来越发现,嗯,是我本人。Sally其实长得不差,内心却总是敏感自卑缺爱。在她第一次见Patrick的时候,他找她要电话,她却给了Susan的电话,因为觉得不可能有人跟自己要电话,导致Susan和他在一起了。后来,他们经历了朋友、炮友、开放关系,最后终于成为正经的情侣。但因为Patrick太花心,Sally也一直不放心。后来在Patrick的橱柜里,Sally发现了一枚戒指,还大声质问Patrick这是送给谁的。Sally就是骨子里一直觉得自己不配被爱呀。印象最深的一个情节,第三季最后一集,Patrick表白成功,本来是happy ending, Sally却误以为自己因以前的约会对象怀孕,悲凉地说,‘There is nothing in this world so good that I can’t screw it up.’ 想起了我曾经最喜欢的《暗涌》:害怕悲剧重演,我的命中命中,越美丽的东西我越不可碰。

幸好Sally和Patrick结局还算不错。可能因为Sally的关系,我也挺喜欢Patrick的。(不由吓了一跳,这可是最容易被当作渣男的类型)。当然Patrick的渣主要在于性伴侣过多,或许曾经还有出轨。但在他确认了the one后,也显示出浪漫和深情的一面。此处应该有警告,珍爱生命,远离渣男。但人无完人呀。哪怕是高帅善良的Steve,也但太懦弱没担当,跟他在一起会特别累。幸好她碰到的是大女主Susan,她只需要一只听话的小奶狗就行了(中间也因为气不过分了两次)。希望最后当上爸爸的Steve能成熟一点。Jeff说话总让人尴尬,总是活在自己的脑洞中,却又异常单纯专一,笨拙得可爱。


感情才是真正没道理的。与其理性算计,爱才是最勇敢的事情,至于结果,Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.

 3 ) S3E2, Jeff says sth about ass.

Do you know what asses are, patrick?

Asses are the human race's favorite thing.We like them on each other, we like them on magazine covers, we even like them on babies.

When we're alone, we like to scratch them, when there's a fire, we like to warm them, and who among us hasn't, in a lonely moment, reached back for a discreet fondle?

We love our asses.When God gave us our asses, he had to stick them round the back just so we wouldn't sit and stare at them all day. 'cuse when God made the ass, he didn't say, "It's just your basic hinge. Let's knock off early." he said,"behold ye angels, I have created the ass. Throughout the ages to come, men and women shall grab hold of these and shout my name."


 4 ) Touche!

binge watching了前三季,打算补第四季的时候才回忆起当年为什么看完三季没有往后追了……因为换人了!!!想起马普尔小姐也是因为同样的原因坚决不看4-6季。所以这次,还是不想补第四季!反正就此结束也还算美好,终成正果的双向告白,惴惴不安的人生新篇,以及幼稚小孩的惺惺相惜,虽然有时候笑他们白痴,大多数时候又很羡慕,最起码when they f**k up their lives they do it hand in hand.


 5 ) giggle loop

杰夫是一个很奇怪的人,他有着各种各样奇奇怪怪的理论。他不像史蒂夫,有着高大帅气的外表,也不像帕特里克,天赋异禀,器大活好,三十岁了还深受老妈的困扰,总是忍不住面对女性脑洞大开,把本来就渺茫的机会浪费。一开始我是不喜欢的。直到有一次,他提出了那个经典的“giggle loop"爆笑理论,才让我像找到了组织一般欣喜若狂。
所谓的“giggle loop”按照杰夫的话来说,就是在一个非常严肃、庄重的时刻,突然向你袭来一股笑意,你拼命想要抑制住,而这股笑意却像金字塔一样越堆越高,然后在一个瞬间轰然倒塌。剧里腐男三人组在简姑妈的葬礼上像疯子一样大笑的场景让我想起了一件好久之前的事。
如果时光能够倒流,我多么希望前排的男生是杰夫,这样,当我在人生中最尴尬的时刻,他能够毫无在意地拍拍我的肩膀,告诉我,我不是一个没良心的人,这一切都是该死的“giggle loop”的错。

 6 ) 第三季最后两集喜欢的对白




You won't admitt love me,
and so how am I ever to know, you always tell me, perhaps,perhaps,perhaps.


Susan:man and toliet- the love that dare not speak its name. what's that about.

We are man, throughout history we have always needed, in times of difficulty to retreat to our caves.
It so happens in theis modern age that our caves a fully plumped.
The toliet for us, is the last bastion, the final refuge,the last few square feet of man-space lefe for us!
Somewhere to sit, something to read, something to do, and who gives a damn about the smell?
Because that for us, is happiness. Because we are man, we are different, we have only one word for "soap", we do not own candles, we have never seen anything of any value in the craft shop.
We do not own magazines full of photographs of celebrities with all their clothes on! (这是你们的心声啊心声~~)
When we have conversations, we actually take it in turns to talk! But we have not yet reached that level of earth-shattering boardom and imhuman dispair where we'd have a haircut recreationally.
We don't know how to get excited about REALLY, REALLY boring things, like ornaments, bath oil, the countryside, vases, small churches.
I mean, we do not even know what in the name of god's ass is the purpose of the potpourri! looks like breadfast, smell like your auntie!
Why do we need that? so please-in this strange and frightening world, allow us one last place to call our own, this toliet, this blessed pot, this fortress of solitude. you girls, you may go to the bathroom in groups of two or more, yet we do not pass comment, we do not make judgement, that is your choice.
But we men will always walk the toliet mile alone!

对白二:在Sally对Patrick意外的表白后 Patrick表示要和她说清楚


Sally:Patrick. (环顾四周,因为地点是他们6个人经常聚在一起喝酒的酒吧,但是现在一个人都没有)private function?

Patrick: yeah, there's something later.

Sally: oh, so that's not us, then.

Patrick: no, no. definitely not us. Sally...you are the most wonderful woman in the history of the entire universe. you're incredible, you've got the looks of a miss world with the brains to match. you're more than a woman, you are like a .....man.....seriously, you could be a bloke anytime you want, obviously a bloke with some pretty serious defects, but who cares about that. I've seen you down drinks with best of them. I wish I had a mother like you, or a grandmother, or any kind of ...... ancestor. and since you said what you said (回放下,前一集Sally脱口而出, I'm mad of Patrick.......) I've had a lot time to think, but obviously that is not always possible, nontheless i have been able to consider your.....application, and....and this is the point, this is the important point.

Sally, you need someone good enough for you,(Sally开始忍着眼泪猛点头,她觉得已经被拒绝了,然后我也开始含着眼泪打滚 ><)
you don't want some mutton-head city boy, who spends all his time thinking about their cars and his golf clubs. you want someone who can love you the way you deserve to be loved, the way I want you to be loved. Sally, you need someone who will love you forever...properly.

You are my friend, Sally, and I want to see you with the best, you need mr.amazing, mr.incredibly, superbly...fantastickness. and in your heart, I'm sure you know I'm right.

Sally: I don't want mr. superbly, incredibly fantastickness, you stupit, stupid ass!!! I WANT YOU!!!

Patrick:oh, for god's sake, Sally.....

Sally: What? What?!

Patrick:I WAS TALKING ABOUT ME! (气氛瞬间破坏)

接下去就是Steve和Jeff滚出来跳那个什么spider man的诡异舞蹈 笑惨了我

if you can't make you mind up, we'll never get started,
and I don't want to wind up, being aparted, brokenhearted..
so if you really love me, say yes, and please don't tell me,
perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.




  • Kou
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Jeff大抽抽 哇咔咔

  • 朱朱朱古力♥
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  • mecca
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  • 皮皮
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ep06有Hotel Babylon两主演哦~

  • ღClaire
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  • 子皿与舟
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  • 山上风下
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  • △4v5ki
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  • T3的小喇叭
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记得这个还没看完 于是晚上又偷偷翻出来看 大半夜的 笑惨我了。。。jeff咋这么搞呢。。。每次看他都会笑翻。。steve慷慨激昂的长篇大论~~~虽然中途小虐了一次 最后还是很欢乐啊~patrick和sally 治愈了~~话说可能最后一集的名字叫做perhaps,perhaps,perhaps,所以我听主题曲就更有感觉了。。。

  • Fanny❤
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  • 井戒
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Steven Moffat is such a genius.

  • 曼仔
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  • 无忧无虑波尔卡
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  • 尔蔓ﻬ
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Steve, Patrick, Jeff是真爱三人组啊!!

  • saeko
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  • 达令
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  • Daniel
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舍不得看完啊,jeff绝唱季ToT...Steve对toilet的那段演说真他妈笑死我了, blessed pot哈哈哈!fortress of solitude哈!哈!哈!和之前对靠垫和lesbian spank的一样醍醐灌顶!!!最后一集的那段Sally的表白真是边哭边笑还被虐啊!!!

  • AshtrayGem
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  • 低碳的尼克
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你们就到处乱来吧= = 反正我只要能看到傻兮兮的Jeff就够了⋯⋯

  • 望仔放弃减肥了
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