




黄石:1883 剧照 NO.1黄石:1883 剧照 NO.2黄石:1883 剧照 NO.3黄石:1883 剧照 NO.4黄石:1883 剧照 NO.5黄石:1883 剧照 NO.6黄石:1883 剧照 NO.13黄石:1883 剧照 NO.14黄石:1883 剧照 NO.15黄石:1883 剧照 NO.16黄石:1883 剧照 NO.17黄石:1883 剧照 NO.18黄石:1883 剧照 NO.19黄石:1883 剧照 NO.20


故事聚焦Dutton一家在多年前西进的旅程,他们穿越大平原前往美国最后一站蛮荒之地,在应许之地蒙大拿寻求更美好的未来。艾里奥特饰演强硬的牛仔Shea Brennan,有着非常悲伤的过去,他承担着带领一群人从德克萨斯前往蒙大拿的艰巨任务,绝不容忍蠢人。麦格罗和希尔饰演Dutton家族的男女家长James和Margaret。                                                                    《黄石》主创泰勒·谢里丹任该剧执行制作人,将在Paramount+流媒体平台上线。人皮灯笼1993纸之月夜童太阳的女人费利西蒂枪神传说超凡神树客途秋恨(粤语版)俏皮女学生我们家的女人们戍天伏魔录家庭、权力与原教旨主义前任与圣诞翡翠明珠圣诞颂歌2009路尽骄阳菲洛梅娜夏夜的fromis_9我们恋爱吧第五季人狼西游之双圣战神藤球王大脚野人日落芙蓉镇铁在烧柏林犯罪现场:夜生活杀手神速侦探~春天的诡计反击祭~天空之眼(原声版)铁血飞虎爱与诚2012血乳交融大李小李和老李实习医生格蕾 第九季幽灵山庄蛊票之王食人鱼3D英语欢乐喜剧人 第七季杰克与豆茎恋爱中的蝎子小姐当差警察李“酒瓶”杰莎贝尔城市中的见证杜兰餐馆:黑色传奇


 1 ) 她,是不是你做梦都不敢想的,另一个你自己











 2 ) 悲伤倾泻成河 梦想漂浮于上

“悲剧是会传染的......” 终于看完了《黄石1883》,为什么说终于?因为最后两集看得断断续续,时不时停下来忍受一下那种悲伤的蔓延,时不时停下来舒缓那种如硬石重击般生疼。 一队移民向往着梦想,他们一直问Captain是否自由在远方,答案肯定的话,他们便义无反顾地一次次启程。从德克萨斯走向俄勒冈,犹如西天取经,九九八十一难,不同的是,他们没有满天神佛的庇佑,每次可以原地复活,只能为了梦想不断付出代价,他们失去财产、家人、爱人甚至生命......虽然有个别幸运,但没有人是完满的。最后只有少数人能走到梦幻的彼岸,整队人基本算是全军覆没。西部的荒原就像一只蛰伏的巨兽,悄然张开血盆大口,等待着这些满怀憧憬的人们,将他们把玩、蹂躏和吞噬。除了自然界无尽残酷,还有如深渊般的人性黑暗,常常出其不意地撕裂着这些旅人。一个接着一个的悲剧,慢慢地传染整个队伍。 开始看前几集的时候,还对西部的野蛮和粗野感到新鲜,更多地是感受那种说一不二的强硬还有血脉偾张的粗犷。然而后面几集谢里丹开始丧心病狂地把各种残忍的细节赤裸裸地呈现在你面前,虽然咋看不会很血淋淋,但他竟然将这些场面出现前的准备细节一步步地描述、演示出来。就像做手术最令病人恐惧的不是手术的本身,而是准备手术前的那种气氛和动作,一点点,一丝丝地抽光你的意志,填进一股股的恐惧......




Captain在Elsa临走时和她有一段对话: Captain:“我希望你能证明他们都错了,希望你二十年后还能这样笑着,嘲笑我们怀疑过你。” Elsa:“如果我不能,我会在海滩上和你会面的。” Captain:“我会给你留个位置。” 最后,Captain心满意足地在俄勒冈的沙滩上,面朝大海,了无牵挂地举枪自杀。看到这里,突然很恨谢里丹,没必要把这种悲伤浪漫主义灌注得这么彻底,这么深邃......

我又一次按下暂停键。 Elsa说着不害怕,在父亲怀里慢慢离开时,James的悲痛无以复加,像一股巨大的被压在岩层底下即将要迸溅的岩浆。作为一个前军人,对于生死早已见惯不怪。作为一个父亲,他理智地将所有悲伤都压抑在心底。不善言辞的硬汉,亲自送走了年轻的女儿,那一刻的崩溃和心如刀割,令人窒息。他心头不单涌上无尽的悲凉还有无穷的自责。James是一个以保护自己家人为核心价值观的男人,他深爱着妻子和儿女,为了他们,他杀人,他不要命,他要为这个家庭找一个天堂般的家。虽然他对于西行早有心理准备,也知道一定会有很多无可奈何,但女儿的逝去,令这个硬朗理智而高大的男人,显得多么的无助和弱小。也怪不得他要自己的后代拼死保护这块夺了女儿的命,葬着女儿的魂的土地。 “有那么一刻,你的梦想和你的记忆融合在一起形成一个完美的世界,这就是天堂。每个天堂都是独一无二的。这是属于你的世界。大地充满了你所珍视的一切。天空是你的想象。我的天堂充满了良驹、平原、野牛,还有一个爱着我的人......” 离去时,Elsa是否有一点不舍?或有,但她得到了心满意足和平静还有相爱的人,那死亡便是天堂,那便是于亿万人中难觅的幸福,纵有点滴不舍也可不屑一顾,潇洒离去...... 看完,我想静静!!!很少有一部剧让我想静静。 此剧我认为有可能是2022年最好看的美剧,值得二刷、三刷,继续回味。有时间二刷时再写一下该剧其他人的性格。严重期待第二季!!!

 3 ) 凄美又壮烈的大漂亮闯关东

太喜欢《黄石》,所以看完这部前传,忍不住想说几句:) 一,十分成功的前传 作为黄石的前传,无疑是十分成功的。除了一如既往地恢宏且精致,导演十分聪明地选择了由达顿家一位女性的视角讲述这段既是历史也是人生的故事。 首先他从故事架构上交代了达顿家族迁居西部的由来,简单点说,其实就是米国版的闯关东,甚至连时间都与咱们很重合--同样发生在19世纪末,只不过不同的是,咱们祖先闯关东是为了生存,他们闯西部是为了...自(tu)由(di)? 从剧本情节上也厘清了黄石中老达顿之所以对于土地如此挚着的根本原因,是源自祖辈拿命换来的家传信仰,Land is God。甚至于,连带他们家人为什么个个一点就着并且战斗力爆表都能一并理解了--因为那也是血脉传承来的。 MS有不少人对女主视角及独白的安排颇有微词,我的看法倒刚好相反:既然是前传,就没必要受正传的风格约束;诗意的女性独白,以更直白的方式带动情绪,同时一定程度上也能遮掉点打打杀杀的血腥味儿,挺好;尤其由女性视角带出的多个画面令人印象深刻,比如惨烈渡河时,女主坐在河岸丢掉的钢琴前,边弹边泪流满面... 二、值得商榷的女主和她的“爱情观” 剧中女1号妙龄神颜、性格泼辣,加之各种甚至秒杀男性的技能加持,基本上是集完美于一身了。对于最后的BE,自然也是一片唏嘘。其实冷静想来,在那样一个毫无秩序可言的时代背景下,扎眼的容貌+刚烈的性格,恐怕再多的技能和再强大的父亲,也难保幸运之神一直眷顾。木秀于林,风必摧之,注定悲剧的命运才应该是合理的吧。当然,即便导演开局就已经透露了结局,女主在最后跟妈妈告别时,还是令人动容。Mama, see you in the valley. 要多么强大的心脏才能像她妈妈那样依然能够挤出一抹微笑。 此外,女主最为显著的标签之一,就是勇敢,敢爱敢恨敢表达敢拔枪。虽然对米国人的开放有所了解,但在咱们这男人纳小妾女人裹小脚的年代里,女主的18岁“爱情观”简直是走向了另外一个极端。如果说第一个一见钟情的牛仔,可以用敢爱直爽来解释,但还在为牛仔的死去哭天嚎地的没几天,又可以迅速地向不同肤色不同人种的年轻的印第安人首领投怀送抱并成功二婚,实在有些匪夷所思。爱情?欲望?傻傻分不清楚。女主父亲可能不小心说出了大实话,“她大概会一直爱上每一个她遇到的男人。”好吧,美女跟放荡向来所隔不远。 反倒是,女主的爸妈,一个Dreamer,另一个就是Beliver,举手投足间流淌着的爱意、默契与信任,放在任何文化背景下,都堪称令人艳羡的神仙眷侣了。 三、关于自由、勇敢和其他 自由从来都只是相对的,而非绝对。饥馑荒年的时候,徒有万亩良田无用,有米有肉的人才是自由的;疫情封控的时候,有房有钱没用,囤好口罩手有余粮的人是自由的;身处荒蛮西部的时候,会钢琴打铁无用,骑马狩猎甚至懂杀人的人才是自由的。 不过毫无疑问的,移民大军中的每一个人,都是勇敢的。不管他们的目的果真是为了追求自由梦想,还是为了逃离税赋压榨,或者是想换个地方实现阶级翻身。不论出于何种目的,敢于背井离乡,踏上几千公里的未开化旅程,都是勇敢甚至伟大的。也正是剧中多次出现的称呼,让我对Pioneer这个单词原本的含义有了更深理解,嗯,他们是拓荒者,也是那个时代的先锋。 放在时代的目光下,不论咱们祖上的闯关东,还是大漂亮的闯西部,都只是历史的一瞬,挟裹其中的每个人更是何其渺小,所以,活在当下,就敢爱敢恨地勇敢追逐自由和梦想吧。 PS:这部剧告诉我们,不论身处什么时代,多掌握点技能是必需的,会骑马可以容易找对象,会打枪的不至于饿死,懂一门外语就有机会活到最后,所以,自我修炼卷起来~

 4 ) 1883:Elsa的诗意旅程

约翰-达顿在美丽的天堂谷最后一次捧着长子Lee时,靠着一棵大树。一个多世纪以前,另一位达顿的男性家长詹姆斯-达顿用同一种方式,几乎在同一个地点,送走了自己的长女Elsa Dutton。Lee和Elsa各自的死亡有诸多不同的因素。但毫无疑问,有一点是相同的:约翰和詹姆斯都不仅仅失去了孩子,也失去了对这个孩子继承自己传奇的寄托。Lee和Elsa都是为了各自父亲的梦想而死。Elsa为家族的未来选择了栖居之地;约翰-达顿则因为Lee的死而更加坚决地维护家族利益。两人的死都使自己的家族作为整体更为强大。

第二集惊现汤姆-汉克斯,他扮演George Meade,历史上确有其人。

乔治-戈登-米德,美国陆军少将,曾参加过第二次塞米诺尔战争、美墨战争和美国南北战争。 米德最著名的战役是1863年在葛底斯堡战役中指挥联邦军波托马克军团击败联盟军罗伯特-E-李将军率领的北弗吉尼亚军团。 美国陆军基地乔治·G·米德堡、堪萨斯州米德县和南达科他州米德县都是以乔治·米德的名字命名的。

Tom Hanks和他的妻子Rita Wilson,与《1883》的两位主演Tim McGraw和Faith Hill是多年好友。Tim McGraw和Faith Hill分别扮演詹姆斯-达顿和玛格丽特-达顿,现实生活中就是夫妻。

汤姆-汉克斯的米德将军在Battle of Antietam战役后向詹姆斯-达顿表达了善意。


拉科塔(Lakota)部落的首领,由Tokala Black Elk扮演,他在《黄石》中出演四集,是凯西和莫尼卡在保留地的邻居Sam Stands Alone。


第十集的印第安酋长由Graham Greene扮演,他在这里的名字“Spotted Eagle”与当年《与狼共舞》里的Kicking Bird,对仗挺公整,动词+鸟。

《与狼共舞》(Dances with Wolves)1990年电影,描述1860年代美国南北战争末期,北军中尉邓巴与印地安苏族的故事,电影的对白多使用苏族语言拉科塔语,配以英语字幕,这在当时的美国电影圈很罕见。本片获得七座奥斯卡金像奖,票房也大获成功,象征着西部片在好莱坞的复兴。2007年,此片因为它“文化上、历史上、美学上”的重要价值,被选为美国国家电影保护局典藏。

Graham Greene因为《与狼共舞》这部影片获63届奥斯卡最佳男配角的提名,输给了《好家伙》里的乔-佩西;不过凯文-科斯特纳也没得最佳男主奖,倒是得了最佳导演和最佳影片。


在听说《与狼共舞》要用拉科塔语说台词时,Graham Greene的第一反应是“I don't speak that”。

Graham Greene还在《猎凶风河谷》里演原住民保留地的警长Ben。也是泰勒-谢里丹的作品。

正如警长Shea Brennan所说,Elsa比谁活得都明白,他75了而她只有18岁,她却笑得比他欢快、爱得比他恣意、战斗得比他更勇敢。也许每个人从出生那刻就开启了奥德赛之旅,而Elsa的旅途更为壮阔,更为自由,爱过,心碎过,受过伤再努力站起来,清楚地知道自己的向往。她的旁白就像她为这次旅途写下的诗句,残酷贫瘠的生活里长出浪漫的翅膀。

Season 1, Episode 1: “1883”


I remember the first time I saw it. Tried to find words to describe it. But I couldn’t. Nothing had prepared me. No books. No teachers. Not even my parents. I heard a thousand stories… But none could describe this place. It must be witness to be understood. And yet, I’ve seen it. And I understand it less than when I first cast eyes on this place.

Some called it the American Desert. Others, the Great Plains. But those phrases were invented by professors at universities. Surrounded by the illusion of order. And the fantasy of right and wrong. To know it, you must walk. Bleed until it’s dark. Drown in its rivers. Then its name becomes clear. It is Hell. And there are demons everywhere.

But if this is Hell, then I must be a demon, too. And I’m already dead.


The road West is filled with failures. But failure isn’t what drove him. It was a dream. And the dream was coming true.

Season 1, Episode 2: “Behind Us, A Cliff”

Freedom is running wild through untamed land.


The world here plays parlor tricks on your senses. I do not know what the word Texas means. But to me it means magic.

It seems even the trees are new to this place; scattered about in clusters like little villages. And everywhere: treasures. Everywhere a bounty just waiting to be scooped up.”

18-years ago on this day, Lee surrendered to Grant in the home of Wilmer McClean in the village of Appomattox. A year later, I was born. It was Monday, April 9, 1883. And it was my birthday.

I looked to the right and saw my father somehow riding vertically towards the earth. Beyond him, cowboys and cattle pushed towards us; dust following them like a cloudy shadow. The light was soft and pale and pink, like God had decided to light this day with candles. And the whole of Texas spread out before me. It was the most magnificent thing I had ever seen.


What began as a journey had become a retreat into the unknown. We were backing into the abyss; so worried our sins would follow us we didn’t bother watching where we walked. And behind us was a cliff.

Season 1, Episode 3: “River”


Death is everywhere on the prairie. In every form you can imagine. And a few your worst nightmare couldn’t muster.

Death hides in creek beds. Possesses animals. It hides in tall grass, waiting. With every death, our father moved camp a little further away. As if death was not the result of accidents and disease, but death was its own disease. And carelessness was contagious.”

But of all the perils awaiting us – sickness and snakes, bad horses and bandits – there was one thing above all that sent terror through both man and beast… There was one word so feared it was barely spoken and barely whispered… River.


I watched her ride and I didn’t see my mother. I saw a woman. And the woman was magnificent.

Season 1, Episode 4: “The Crossing”

I knew that war. That war between what you should become, and what you could become.


I had abandoned every memory of Tennessee as if I was born on this journey. But I wasn’t. We were leaving a place, and seeking another. And the journey was a necessary, miserable road between the two. Somehow I felt immune to the dangers of this place. As if the land and I had struck a deal. I could pass on heart so long as I loved it. And I did. I loved everything about it.


But crossing the Brazos taught me there was no deal. No matter how much we love it, the land will never love us back.

Season 1, Episode 5: “The Fangs of Freedom”

We are in the land of no mercy now.

到第五集结尾,Elsa Dutton已经是一个完全不同的人了。她成为一个女人,一个被1883残酷现实带来的心碎所改变的人。Elsa从一个古灵精怪、充满希望的孩童,变成了坚毅警觉的女人。

I think cities have weakened us as a species. There are no consequences there. Step into the streets without looking and the carriage merely stops or swerves; the only consequence an angry driver. But here? There can be no mistakes. Because here doesn’t care. The river doesn’t care if you can swim. The snake doesn’t care how much you love your children. And the wolf has no interest in your dreams. If you fail to beat the current, you will drown; if you get too close, you will be bitten. If you are too weak, you will be eaten.


The whole world faded away. No stars or moon, no sky at all. No earth between my feet; no rock against my back. There was only us.

Today My Eyes Died.

I’d known death since I was a child. It’s everywhere. But it had never touched me. It had never placed it rotten finger on my heart. Until today. Today my eyes died. I see the world through my mother’s eyes now. Yes, freedom has fangs. And it sunk them in me. I chose to love him. He chose to love me back. Then chose to protect me. Then a man we’ve never met chose to kill him. And made me colorblind.

Maybe killing this man will get my eyes back. Maybe it won’t. But I chose to find out.


Season 1, Episode 6, “Boring the Devil”


We moved towards Dome’s Crossing and the Red River, and tragedy’s next opportunity to ravage what’s left of us. My mother says the pain will fade and the good memories return. I suppose that’s true. Every person on this planet will endure this pain, until they are the cause of it for another. Someday I’ll die and shatter hearts, too. But that is not today. Today I am living. And I am a shadow.


We were leaving Texas, entering the Indian territory and redefining our meaning of unknown. Far from the cities that have paved the world away, and the farms which had turned it into a resource. We were no longer under the cloud of civilization. Only sky above us now. No more walking over bridges. Out here, we swim horseback through rivers. There is nowhere to chain love to vows and ceremony. Out here, love burns through you like a fever. And when the devil comes to strip that love from you, there is no funeral or song or speeches that dull our senses and deaden our hearts. Out here, you turn towards the pain as it tears into you. And you let it. When you do, the devil gets bored. He sees another soul to eat.

And you get to live again.


Season 1, Episode 7, “Lightning Yellow Hair”


The best way to know if land is truly undiscovered is to seek words to describe it. When you can’t, you know it’s virgin land. Untouched by our dirty hands. To see it is to be silenced by it. Made speechless by its endless uniformity… One must read the sun and stars like a sailor to navigate this place. We’ve seen nothing but grass for over a week. No grass, no birds. No snakes. Not even a lizard. And no evidence the human race still exists. But the plains are littered with bones.

The dirty man of hand can go unnoticed in a city. because his dirty hand made the city. But in this place, where innocence is a mineral in the soil, the filth of our touch is an apocalypse.


She wouldn’t speak when she got back to camp. Wouldn’t look at my father. Wouldn’t look at me. I heard her crying by the fire before dawn. I sat beside her and asked her what was wrong. She said she killed a man over a horse, and now John was the only hope our family has of reaching heaven.

I didn’t have the heart to tell her there’s not heaven to go to. Because we’re in it already. We’re in hell, too. They coexist right beside each other. And God is the land.

Episode 8, “The Weep of Surrender”


This is our third day here, the longest we’ve stayed in one place since the journey started. One trait all animals share, people included, is no matter where we are or where we wish to be, if we’re there longer than a day, we try to make a home of it. But the plains are not for home building. Not enough resources. No shelter. The plains are for vagabonds, wanderers, and cowboys. Their home is a saddle. The sky is their roof. The ground is their bed. What’s lacked in material comfort is regained in the knowledge that they are always home. To them, the journey is the destination.

Should they find gold at the end of the rainbow, they would leave it there and seek another; choosing freedom over the burden of the pot. I haven’t thought once of Oregon. No dreams of the ocean or snow-covered mountains. I only dream of the journey. That is all. No gold for me. Just the rainbow.

To import the traditions of the place you fled, the place that failed you, is to condemn the place you seek to the same failures.

I understood my mother’s worry. My choices made no sense in her world, where customs and prejudice rule where law cannot reach. There will be customs and prejudice here, too, I’m sure. But they were born of this world, and belong here. To import the traditions of the place you fled, the place that failed you, is to condemn the place you seek to the same failures.


I felt their eyes move over me. Felt their pity and disapproval. And it meant nothing to me. The only thing that mattered was riding away. Just as I was riding away from him. As I pondered the new journey before me – making it back to him – they watched the tears run my cheeks. And I let them. I didn’t turn my face or wipe them away. Tears became control. Sobs and weeps are little surrenders. And I will surrender nothing to the pain. Tears may flow, but I will not weep. I am the wife of a warrior now. Which is to say… I am a warrior. And warriors don’t cry.


Season 1, Episode 9, “Racing Clouds”

I had convinced myself of the world’s ambivalence towards its inhabitants… Until I came to this place. This place doesn’t want inhabitants at all. Every plant is inedible. Every creek bed is dry. Though only September, snow covers the mountain peaks. Winter can’t wait to have at us. Can’t wait to join with the land and run us off or kill us. If land can have emotions, this land hates. It hates us. And everyone can feel it.


The dress felt like a prison built just for me, choking me by the neck and digging into my underarms. Flattening my breasts against my ribcage. It disguises everything that makes me a woman from the glares of jealous women and rapacious men; as if their lack of self-esteem and willpower should be my only concern. I will never live in that world again, where the weak would rather guilt the strong than become strong themselves. No, I will stay in this world. This world doesn’t care what the weak want. This world eats the weak.


I felt no pain. Perhaps it was the fever of the fight. But it didn’t hurt. I thought of pushing it through. I thought better of it. As my father would say, ‘The one good thing about problems, is they’ll still be problems later. Don’t have to deal with them right away.

That’s when I knew… I was going to die.


I looked at my father, looked past his smile. Saw his worry. Saw something deeper. As if he were already in mourning. As if I were already gone. I felt different, too. Felt as though my soul had been dislodged from… Whatever cavern in our chest the soul is lodged to. It felt loose; disconnected. I looked out at the sagebrush, the colors looked different. Sharper. Looked up at the sky, the clouds seemed to race above us as if new laws applied to time and space above me.

I looked back at my father, and I studied his eyes. Looked deep into them. That’s when I knew… I was going to die.


Season 1, Episode 10, “This Is Not Your Heaven”

The numbing shock of war is behind me now. Pain has taken its place. Hurts to move. Hurts to breathe. The back of my head throbs with every step of my horse. I look at the world through the hazy lens of fever and somehow see it clearer.

What is death? What is this thing we all share? Rabbits, birds, horses, trees. Everyone I love. And everyone who loves me. Even stars die. And we know absolutely nothing of it.


I wondered what became of them. Wondered if they staked their claim in Wyoming and built sod houses, bought cattle, and tried to scratch a life from this place. Perhaps they fought the winter and braved their way to Oregon; laying stakes in the emerald fields of the valley. But I’d seen too much of this world. Knew too much about the nature of man to think either would be their future. Another future awaited them, and it laid in the abyss of unmarked graves along the Oregon Trail.




We never spoke of death or dreams again. We never spoke of the pioneers, either. Because there was no need… To survive the frontier, you must learn to recognize those who won’t, and be weary of their doomed decisions. They are to be avoided at all costs. Because their fear is tragedy’s closest cousin. And tragedy is contagious in this place.


There is a moment where your dreams and your memories merge together and form a perfect world. That is heaven. And each heaven is unique. It is the world of you. The land is filled with all you hold dear. And the sky is your imagination.

My heaven is filled with good horses, open plains, wild cattle, and a man who loves me. It is always sunrise in my world. And there are no storms. I am the only lightning. I know death now. I’ve seen it. It had no fangs. It smiled at me. And it was beautiful.

 5 ) 一段陌路,也是很多人的一段末路









 6 ) Dutton 家族人物关系图

看大家有不少空对空的讨论,不如拿来两幅外网的 Dutton 家族人物关系图给各位作参考

Dutton 家族 Family Tree,包括家族内各个成员的出生年份,直系子女以实线标注,领养则以虚线注明

「ELLE」杂志专栏中的另一个版本,以 cast 大图为配图更直观一些,同样,直系子女以实线标注,领养则以虚线注明(传送门://www.elle.com/culture/movies-tv/a42245223/yellowstone-1883-1923-dutton-family-tree/



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