

主演:曼努埃拉·贝拉斯科,哈维尔·博泰特,帕科·曼萨内多,玛利亚·阿尔方萨·罗索,伊斯梅尔·弗里奇,Críspulo Cabezas,马克·沙尔丹,赫克特·科洛梅,Mariano Venancio,埃米利奥·布阿勒,Javier Laorden,Khaled Kouka,Carlos Zabala











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  原本为某消防队执行拍摄任务的女记者安吉拉(曼奴拉·沃拉斯科 Manuela Velasco 饰),却意外在巴塞罗那一幢公寓里遭遇了毕生无法忘怀的恐怖噩梦。最恐怖的经历过后,安吉拉被潜入公寓的特种部队成员救出。当她再度醒来时,发现自己置身在一个陌生所在,接受身份不明的医护人员的检查。另一方面,特种部队成员古兹曼(Paco Manzanedo 饰)和幸存的战友也遭到隔离,他们发现这是一艘漂泊大海中央与世隔绝的油轮,所有与外界的联系全部中断,军方和医护人员掌握着这里的一切。  进行着秘密实验的政府人员其任务失败,可怕的丧尸病毒在密闭的空间内肆虐爆发。没有人能够逃离,包括安吉拉在内,所有生者都成为丧尸的狩猎对象……厨房第二季亲爱回不去的少年时光蓝百万2Miss欧巴桑觅影记寻找爱情的下落黄色壁纸高校最后的军事教练放逐男女彗星美人妙女神探第六季风暴尽头时光尽头遇到你情乱萧山说唱王戴夫第一季因为太怕痛就全点防御力了五等文官万物生灵第二季死亡回放魔兽(原声版)姑娘今年二十八龙腾世纪:赦免仲夏夜性喜剧记忆归零玛丽的复仇凯萨与克丽奥佩拉离魂异客讹诈1929圣十字国王和我男孩的生活竹马钢琴师母亲快乐大地的女儿1994阿衰第二季圣何塞谋杀案潜伏3戒色师养蜂人恶邻旅店


 1 ) 莫名奇妙的启示?上帝在你身边


 2 ) 看完感觉真是差到不行了


 3 ) 很隨便的影評來了,內含劇透,但是根本無所謂不是嗎?

很隨便的影評來了,內含劇透,但是根本無所謂不是嗎? 在法國某城的ugc的最大影廳看的 週末晚上,一般這個位置極佳的30號影廳(唯一一個門口就有洗手間的影廳,其他都要上樓下樓幾百米)會放最熱門的電影,然後還是一位難找。 但是今晚竟然可以任意挑傳說中的影廳裡處於2/3的最佳觀影座。 講了那麼多就是想說,這個系列已經日落西山了。 回到劇情,延續超小成本製作,關係到人類安危的研究室竟然設在一艘連電力都會出現問題的舊漁船上,編劇是對西班牙政府有不滿嗎? 這個時候出現了港劇的經典橋段,船長作死的說出了多句“這次是我最後一次航行,要回家享福”之類的必死的話。 西班牙人延續了美國恐怖片風格,不包括動物,第一個死的果然還是看起來應該是南美原住民或者東南亞臉孔的廚師。接著若干唧唧歪歪的軍人後才是修理工黑人大哥。中間還來一段種族歧視的話。 影片除了幾個攝像頭的畫面外,終於不是攝像機第一人稱角度,但是你以為這樣就不晃了嗎?導演給一巴掌,錯,這次是在船上。所以就算攝像機不晃,畫面還是晃的,不過已經比前幾部好太多了。晃是導演刻畫氣氛的唯二選擇之一,唯二之二是下面會講到的噪音。 整個片中印象最讓人深刻,還是像the rock 那種塊頭的男人們和女主不分性別,個子,性格,長相,種族,都無一例外的大喊大叫,並充斥者整部影片。 建議片名可更為《死喊錄像》 片中除了不死之神附身的女主,貫穿到最後沒死的竟然是片中的信息工程師,典型的不起眼好吃好色又理科人才的小胖子。憑著一股暗戀女主已久的激情一路開掛殺到最後,救了女主救了自己,還救自己人生-終於不用通過電視或者監視器看女主了。 說了那麼多,沒說劇情。因為很簡單。 就是拿猴子做實驗,找解藥。 結果被惡魔附身的,原本是演大正派的大塊男突然反目,變成反派,原來他在第一部女主被拖走之後,再救出女主的時候,已經雙眼通紅,被感染了,還吞了蟲。 所以醫生才在女主身上什麼也沒檢查到,但是中間女主的肚子裏面動來動去的是什麼,是肚子餓了嗎,還是是一個巨大的bug,無所謂,有胸就好。另外,那條蟲的塑造略顯粗糙,一條可以控制人的蟲長得也太隨便了。 又講歪了,回到主線,拿猴子做實驗,大塊男放了猴子,猴子咬了廚師-廚師拿猴子做了飯(敬業精神不一般,帶病工作,到死的一刻,都不離開工作崗位,憂心人民的溫飽,堅持到把飯菜都做好。)-吃了飯的人被傳染-開始咬人-人逃-人死-內訌-男主被揭穿-男主又想把蟲放回女主身體,吃了你的給你吐回來(沒看明白,還是想讓女主再吞一條?兩蟲團聚?)-女主在小胖子幫助下殺男主,乘船出逃-蟲子鑽到大魚肚子。 下部,海中水怪將登場,如果拍成跟伊藤潤二的《魚》一樣就屌了。

 4 ) 铁打寄生虫之暴走的大白鲨


 5 ) 可怕的丧尸病毒是寄生虫传播的


 6 ) Jaume Balagueró & Manuela Velasco is Return!This is About the Kill,Bloody & Gore on REC 4 Apocalypse,

After the demise of the Spanish Police GEOs team sent in to deal with the situation in the second film, the fourth film opens with the Army taking control and sending in a Special Forces Team to recover Ángela and destroy the building. They begin setting bombs all over the apartments, but when they're ambushed by the infected Manu and the old man, they then kill them off and kill the officers infected as well. They then hear Ángela's screams for help and tell her it is time to get out.

Ángela wakes up in a room where Doctor Ginard is performing tests on her. He asks her if she remembers anything and she says no. Ginard takes a blood sample to make sure she's clean. A GEO, Guzman, finds an elderly lady, who is revealed to be the only survivor of the events of the third film. He meets up with his partner, Lucas. Ángela attempts to escape the lab, and runs into Guzman. Both discover they are on a boat. Doctor Ricarte and the soldiers tell them that the situation is under control as Ángela's blood returned clear of any infection.

Guzman is introduced to Captain Ortega, who's making his last voyage, and Nick, who's in charge of com-apps. Nick is trying to recover the footage from Ángela's camera. Later that night, a blackout occurs. Guzman finds Ángela walking in the hallways of the ship. She claims to have gotten scared and Guzman keeps her wandering a secret. The next afternoon, Ángela meets Nick, who's a huge fan of hers. He shows her the tape and Ángela begins to remember Tristana Medeiros. Nick also sends the file to the labs for them to look over.

Ricarte and his team discover that their test subject, an infected monkey, was released during the blackout. The monkey attacks and infects the ship's cook. Their blood contaminates the ship's food supply, which infects most of the crew through ingestion. After unsuccessfully testing an antidote on the cook, they leave Ángela, Guzman, Lucas and the old woman in the cafeteria. It turns out Lucas took a sample of blood from the building and knows that the people in charge are the Vatican. After they arm themselves with knives and kill two infected men and a monkey, the old woman is separated and Lucas volunteers to find her while Guzman and Ángela go to the Captain and Nick for help.

Ricarte gives up with nothing left to do to stop the infection and then decides to pursue the “protocol.” Just before doing so, his assistant informs him of receiving the uploaded footage. Ricarte witnesses Tristana inserting a worm-like parasite into Ángela. He attempts to extract the parasite by forcing surgery on Ángela, who pleads that she doesn't know what he's talking about, but before an incision can be made, the captain's assistant who is now infected breaks in and bites Ricarte's assistant which allows Ángela to escape. Ricarte and his team then go to search for Ángela but then seals himself away after the cook is released and attacks his team only to be attacked by Ángela, who bites him, telling him to scan his blood and see for himself that he is mistaken. Guzman, Lucas and Nick then try to find weapons and a way to restart the ship. Nick then tells them that Ángela is alive so Guzman goes to find her while Lucas and Nick head to the boiler room. Ricarte proves Ángela's theory when his analysis returns negative. Still, Ricarte is convinced that Ángela is tricking them so Guzman asks Ángela if she is, but then she asks Guzman if he has been tricking them all along. It's revealed that Ángela passed the parasite into Guzman during her rescue. Ricarte then sets the ship to self-destruct and escapes while Guzman traps Ángela below.

Lucas is then killed by the infected in the boiler room and Nick finds Ricarte, who has a lifeboat. Nick asks for Ángela but Ricarte tells him she's as good as dead. Nick knocks him out, takes the lifeboat and searches for her. He later finds her, and both kill the infected monkeys with a boat-motor. They hide from the infected in the cafeteria and then are attacked by Guzman. The parasite possessing Guzman then attempts to reinstate itself into Ángela but she kills Guzman with a fishing pole thanks to Nick. Ángela and Nick leave the boat as all the infected chase after them. Ángela jumps into the ocean and Nick follows, escaping as the ship explodes. Underwater, the Parasite gains consciousness and dives into a fish's mouth.

During the credits, Ángela and Nick are shown in a cab, having made it home.
On 3 May 2010, Bloody Disgusting announced that "...Filmax will produce two new [REC] films in the next couple of years called [REC] 3: Genesis and [REC] 4: Apocalypse with the same directors as the first two films".Genesis was released on 30 March 2012. It was directed by the Co-founder of the REC franchises, Jaume Balagueró, who co-wrote the script along Manu Diez.Carlos Fernández, Julio Fernández and Alberto Marini returned 4th time as executive producers.

In an interview with Fangoria, director Balagueró stated that the film would not have an apocalyptic style presumed by its title, stating, "All of the movies in the [REC] series have the same budget, so you’re not really going to see big scenes of Barcelona full of zombies; they’re just not intended that way. There has to be a story that’s controlled and strong." Apocalypse is set to follow the events of the second film, and will not be made in the "found footage" style. Production was scheduled to begin in 2013. At the 2012 Sitges Film Festival, it was announced the film would have its world premiere there in October 2013. An announcement trailer was released in late November, confirming the return of Manuela Velasco.[citation needed]

However, in early May 2013, Balagueró stated that the film's production had been delayed and the film would now premiere sometime in mid-2014, but did confirm that Manuela Velasco would be starring in the fourth film. Teaser posters and an updated premise were released early May. Filming began on 13 July 2013 in Gran Canaria, aboard a Russian merchant navy ship.A theatrical trailer for the film was released in April 2014.
Review of the Film Final Rated:2/5(2/10)



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艾玛比上一部还难看… 何苦要拍。

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