It is Friday night and five friends gather at a house in rural Australia. Their parents are out of town and it is time to celebrate the end of another school week. No big deal; just a few drinks, a few laughs. As the night grows later, the teens reach a state of alcohol-induced openness. They reveal secrets, crushes and an unintentionally cruel streak. The final year of high school can be paradoxical. Having found some passions and close friends, you often begin to understand your own identity for the first time. And yet, still so young, you can't deny that you've so much to learn about yourself and the world. Maybe, despite thirteen straight years of schooling, you kind of don't know anything. A tribute to an awkward phase that we have all made it through and have powerful memories of, About An Age is a nostalgic coming-of-age film. With charm and authenticity, it examines themes of responsibility, first love and the passing of time via one single evening shared by a group of playful mates.
热播电视剧最新电影莲花仙子呼叫助产士第十季沦落人粤语尚食学校的都市传说 鬼娃娃花子新宿野战医院废柴小仵作了不起!舞社第二季以你的心诠释我的爱空降利刃末日逼近战雷拯救甜甜圈:时空大营救失落的国度老妇人女教徒1966敝院我讨厌韩国爱情两对半星合之空弹道无痕狙击精英:巅峰对决解除好友2:暗网内特的梦想剧院带你到地狱的尽头无意中点开这个片子,看了剧情简介,觉得是喜欢的剧情片就看了。没想到中奖翻到一部英国电影,2002年的片子,喜欢里面的画风和街景。应该是根据某本温情小说改编而来,清淡的旁白语言里透出淡淡的哲思。正如开头和结尾所说,No man is an Island.一个单身的男子和单亲家庭的孩子牵扯出故事。小正太尼古拉斯霍尔特气质真是让人喜欢,他的遭遇也让人同情,家里和学校状况都不好但是他很tough,努力改变生活环境。2 is less,you need a backup. 本片展示生活中的孤独,但最后的相聚又是最好的结局。真的很喜欢英伦风🤣
可爱!(Nicholas Hoult 真的是越来越XXXX! )
因为电影原声,也因为休·格兰特与尼古拉斯·霍尔特主演而观看这部《关于一个男孩》,然后看到托妮·科莱特和蕾切尔·薇兹算是小小的意外惊喜。—— 有钱有颜就可以任性地当个不工作的泡妞宅男……在几经转折过后,一度以为故事要上演类似《西雅图夜未眠》爱情桥段,在马克斯的牵线之下,威尔和菲奥娜走到一起,结果并没有把瓜强扭……马克思用妈妈做的超大面包不慎把湖中的鸭子砸死的段落算是我全片的最大笑点,可怜的鸭子……Cowabunga!……No man is an island.-John Donn
「Before u came, I was all alone. It is bad to be alone.」「If other people can make u happy then they can also make u unhappy.」 「Every man is an island. I stand by that. But clearly some men r part of island chans. Below the surface of the ocean they're actually connected.」
no man is an island?Nicholas Hoult is cute~ no, was~
小时候的Nicholas Hoult和还年轻的Hugh Grant真好看!所以从这一点来看就比之后的电视剧强了好多倍~其实两个版本里都比较烦Fiona的写法(虽然都是由两位喜欢的女演员出演的)。和剧版比,还是电影版更不落俗套,没有刻意让Will和Fiona要有什么联系,所以使得感情很简单单纯。
看Nicholas Hoult这幅熊孩子样,当年谁敢在他将来会长成美少年的可能性上押过宝?
Nicholas Hoult小时候就那么好看了。真是让男人都喜欢的好看。
No man is an island.After what adge you might notice that?Boys!Expecting the novel.
Everybody is an island.I really am this shallow.
Nicholas Hoult..Every man is an island...拿面包砸死一只鸭子。
About a man, no man is an island, there must be something connected. (即使正太如霍尔特,发型也是很关键的部分,只有格兰特给他擦头发那段够萌)
3.8 这外国的版权真是保护得好,人家写首歌可以养活自己一辈子。。。我们这大街小巷的唱也收不到一分钱
if you r in love with "Tony" in [ Skins ]. its his baby version~
Typical Nick Hornby, typical Badly Drawn Boy~
Nicholas Hoult 小时候长得真欠抽啊...哈哈