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  “Douglas Is Cancelled” will see Hugh Bonneville play a middle aged and widely-respected news anchor called Douglas Bellowes while Gillan stars as his canny sidekick Madeline.
  Douglas lives a perfect life. He enjoys his privileged status as national treasure and host of current affairs show “Live at Six” while off-air he shares a harmonious home with wife Sheila, a newspaper editor.
  But their world is turned upside down when, at a family wedding, he’s overheard making an “ill-advised joke.” As a guest threatens to expose Douglas on social media the rumor mill goes into overdrive and sparks off a digital storm that quickly upends his life and career. With her 2 million social media followers, tech-savvy co-anchor Madeline could throw Douglas a lifeline by posting in his defense … but will she?热播电视剧最新电影戏剧世界马铁腿外传请勿打扰:与艾泽克共度一夜大事件2004功夫姐妹大漠青春宫本武藏3死亡笔记3:L改变世界国语风中有朵雨做的云黄金花国语战火家园第一季拆案3:黎明将至24小时:遗产第一季不死法医搜索惊悚诡计鬼4虐三矢老师的计划式投喂。劫机七小时第一季美国众神第一季爱的激流巨舞霸改车大师:化腐朽为神奇 第二季听见她说天下人家带子洪郎(粤语版)新包青天之南侠迷案狗年

