If you are a train aficionado, you cannot miss On the Train—it captures from the birth to the last moment of the railway, 98.2 kilometers long and opened in 1992, crossing southern Taiwan. The virtue of this film lies in meeting the people who have been involved with this railway and having them rewrite the history of trains through their mouth. The film diligently collects the...
热播电视剧最新电影闪亮的日子1977当我飞奔向你铁板少女小茜奇幻精灵事件簿通天拍档派遣占卜师中白月光拯救计划普林格拉我想你1992贼胆儿雄心法国小馆儿第五季面包和汤和猫咪好天气波吉亚家族(法国版) 第二季曲点鸳鸯谱给我钱第6季神探特伦特第三季夏有乔木 雅望天堂2024莲花争霸达格利什第二季外国小孩中国爸我的亲亲老板宝贝拯救女兵司徒慧罗马 第二季情不自禁2001守护解放西5芦苇地
2023/06/09 欣欣秀泰很溫暖、充滿人情味的台式紀錄片。但今年金馬應該打不過《消失的紫斑蝶》?
biff#08 建火车的人 开火车的人 坐火车的人 拍火车的人 共同逝去的记忆